Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. I would like a few more free xstals In the game...the occasional holiday xstal is great but need a few more

    I purpose that if a player has gold estoc and has won 5 wars in a row when they win another war with gold estoc already instead of just renewing the gold estoc the player is rewarded 1 health xstal...this should be limited to 3 wins past gold and after that u win no more until u have lost gold and won it back and win after gold

    Or maybe in estoc season coming up introduce some nice xstal rewards

    : )
  2. I vote yes, smaller team gets more crystals
  3. @Kaw Admins;

    The best way to improve the match ups is to set a parameters or capping, example EW# 1 clans with 30-40 warring members. EW# 2 clans with 40-50 warring members, & so on. Because you can't accommodate all clans at once & having a hard time on match ups that resulted to unsatisfied players because of mismatches.
  4. Vote yes to all of it!
  5. @Kaw Admins,

    Cont.. (I'm having a few drinks with my friends & I'm thinking the best way to improve your match making. LOL)

    By doing that conditions, all war clans will soon adapt & somehow adjust their warring members. But I suggest that you increase the numbers of Estoc Wars, so it can accommodate as many players as possible. -thanks-

    -HMIN- (this is what they call me LOL)
  6. Anyway to have us spend more money to correct your design flaws. Sounds pretty stupid to me.
  7. No to all of it Crystals are not the great equalizer. If a clan can barely scrape together 30 members for war then their chances of winning the war are already significantly lower. Spending money doesnt give them any advantage over bigger clans with competent trackers, callers, and members who know how to war. After a few losses, you'll find these people not willing to participate in the wars. Other than mithril you havent given people any incentive to war. EE is a joke...doesnt seem to do anything whether you have it or not and you cant keep it.
    There is also the flip side of the issue which someone else pointed out where a clan could simply only put 30 members in with the expectation of a mismatch, then get the crystal advantage.
    Being allowed to buy a victory doesnt sound anymore appealing than wasting money on losses. This is a strategy game so let strategy, coordination, teamwork determine the victors.
  8. Great idea you have there(sarcasm) accept the vote are way apart its not even close :?
  9. I see that most of the "no" votes are people complaining about devs being greedy.

    Easy solution: the extra xtals that a clan gets to use are FREE. Say the 60-40 scenario happens. The 40 member clan gets a message: you have received two xtals to use during this war. If they are not used, they will be discarded" or whatever you may choose to put..

    Easy way to make a great idea work, without any community backlash 
  10. I would suggest giving people new opportunities to get free crystals, especially if you continue along this "must use crystals in war path." i cant tell you how frustrating it is to call for everyone to use crystals and only half a dozen or so have them.
    1. Allow Aqua to convert to crystals (same ratio , don't reduce the Aqua drop algorithm)...its low enough thanks
    2. Come up with new quests or allow those already completed to be redone...changing the algorithm everytime so its not easy to find which quest drops crystals.
  11. 3. Allow buying them in-game like inferno
  12. Auto veil random members of the clan that has the higher members and reward them with 30 mith and 3 aqua. Some else said this before and sounds like a good idea
  13. No why devs? the only reason ppl did system wars for mith because you guys got no gud wartime... Like me here, i cant war in any of those wartimes. please come up with a better solution
  14. Kiss. The matchup algorythym seems simple to fix. Just add up the cs of members who are participating to create a clan cs at thrntime signup closes. Then sort all clans in order and 1v2, 3v4, 5v6 etc...if you wan,t to add some randomeness, then group up in 10's (1-10, 11-20) and randomly match within the 10
    No xstal calcs necessary
  15. definitely no. the extra health xtal thing doesn't sound good. keep things simple an sweet devs.
  16. U found the best solution for u yes, making money by people burning more xtals....
  17. i think, giving 2more xtals is a very unfair game
  18. Just bring back the old system of Mith Wars. Not everyone can war during EE war times.
  19. Bring back old system war.

    Or reduce price of mythrl and Infero
  20. Bring back mith sells!! Screw ee wars! I want mith that I can just buy with nobs :lol: