Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. Do we still earn EE when we win?
  2. Sorry Devs but I'm not a fan of this idea. However, thanks for trying to come up with something to address this problem. Couple solutions for you to possibly think about:

    ----If clan size difference is lets say 4 or more..allow the smaller clan to add X number of players to balance clan size. There would need to be some way to keep the clan strengths in balance though to prevent someone from adding huge players which would likely make it unfair again.

    ----When a clan signs up, allow them to sign into a specific size 30-34; 35-39; 40-44..etc.
    this would limit everyone to no greater than a 4 person advantage. If there are not matchups available..then so be it..some clans will not war.

    I do beleive if this problem with matchups is addressed, more clans will sign up for EE wars.

    Good Luck with a solution. Thanks again for trying to remedy this problem.
  3. So many No's
    So few Yes's

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. So what do yoy all think of the new kaw updates. What you think off the new new EE warring idea. I have read most off the forum pages most seem to disagree with the idea. Personally sorting out the match up should really be the solution & the time delay. Alot of clans now prepare for wars. So a well planed attack is always a good idea. Changing the dynamics again and again does not fix the problem it seems to be making more off a mess to what's is a good idea. If the devs fix the main problems instead off us throwing crystals at it. I think that. People will always find a way off betting system, well try to! So by addressing the problems one by one and better beater testing before a release should provent any further problems.
  5. According to KAW_admin's post on page 49, they've already seen that they won't use the idea of allowing extra crystals..
  6. I like the bit about smaller clans being able to use more xtals but do NOT like the mith bit at all
  7. Since we losing mithril why not make it a drop in ebs?
  8. What about allowing the lower number team to have however many free regenerations to balance up the numbers.

    Regenerations could only be used during that war, would make it fair.

    Also, for the system war change, I think they almost going to be redundant unless you allow no time limit, multiple clans to be involved, a way of telling how much opponents have lost individually.

    I know that'll never happen but would be awesome, kinda like a record for osw, people would know exactly how much has been stripped from who ever.
  9. I believe u could get better match ups if u lower the required # to war to 10
  11. The focus of this game, wars, and clans should not be to regress...we should focus on growth...lowering the size of wars? Are u clans that can't produce a full war team more xstals?

    It was mere weeks ago we were begging the devs to stop taking our estoc edge away when we changed our clans ranks around a bit here and there and payd a visit to friends sometimes...devs responded by saying they wanted to promote clan loyalty and would take our edge

    Who cares about the edge anyways but what I'm saying is does this not seem hypocritical?

    How does lower war size produce clan loyalty? How does giving smaller clans twice as many xstals (therefore twice as many mithril) encourage clan loyalty?

    Wars limit should be 0 to 100 and if u want to win mithril u need to come with more players or not war at all.. If u are a clan that gets outnumbered u should not have signed up to war...grow your clan and then war..don't reduce your ranks to have a smaller team to avoid a hard matchup

  12. As far as the 60 vs 40, we would get 2 free crystals when we join a smaller clan vs'ing the bigger clan?
  13. I don't think extra xtals will really benefit wars simply because a matchup of 5-9 peeps can make huge difference in war and under current proposed solution would not equate to an extra xtal at all. I posted thread about it in more detail below
  14. Vote NO . Rather than war . Add extra xtals on ebs
  15. Idk but putting miths in ebs would be an excellemt idea xD
  16. System war without mithril and gold payout? Don't called it war then, just call it battle list
  17. I say no to extra crystals, I think the biggest problem with the match ups are the players ( no disrespect meant) that are dropping buildings to appear weaker. The match up is made and accounts are going from no.30 in the clan to top ten. I know this is a tactic of war and don't disagree, but maybe a cap on how many buildings you can build or upgrade after the match up to keep the match up fair.
  18. The vote is over. Nothing is changing about xtals. Read page 49.
  19. Ok about time this happened :)

    Losers in war need a payout

    Now with regards to current war payout.
    Losing team should get a payout, nothing is so discouraging for community and players. So many people hate war as its so disappointing when u lose.

    I feel this would encourage more of the community to war. More clans and more fun, more even matchups also.

    A simple system would be a 50% payout to the losing clan.
