Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. The only other thing I can think of, although I'm still in favor of making the LARGER clan have an xtal max that is the same as the smaller clan, is having a regen item that is different from an xtal, that can only be used in EE wars , that is much cheaper to purchase. Call it EE reinforcements or something other than an xtal. As it seems most people are composing about money which is understandable. I still don't get why you'd add more to smaller side instead of just putting limit on larger side though.
  2. Complaining *
  3. Supply clans with war regen tokens instead of extra xstals. These tokens can be used to regen troops to max but can only be used at that certain war. I cant afford to spend 4xstals each war to compete.
  4. Kind like idea of limiting the size a that most clans have several low stat alternates that make up bottom list. This put premium on having active players. But this is gonna mean clans will have to rotate members or split up.
  5. Why can't you move EE to clans? I know you can come up with the same guidelines i.e. min roster size, limited xtl use and so on. Leave the times to us to plan. We know when we can and cannot war. Why try and do all this on your own. If you want to have an EE tourney like you are that is fine and then come up with the times that try and accommodate all of KAW. I am sure you have some idea of the mix of age ranges that play this game so there are people that can play all day and spend their weekends warring but for those of us that work for a living and have families that we actually like to spend time with, the times that you have picked make trying to play to stay competitive and still keep my family happy very difficult. By removing any other chance to get mith outside of these EE wars makes it impossible to get the new equipment. I'm not saying bring back the chance to run mith wars but there has to be another way.I know there will always be people that find loop holes because you cant think of everything but address those issues when they come up. I love this game but you are making it hard on the family man.
  6. I vote no, the reason for the complaint about lag time is not about who gets credit for ko, it's because if u try to ko urself to keep other clan from getting ko plunder, it takes too long. And u should just remove cracks from war, because not everyone can buy them, and u can't get anymore of them after quests are completed.
  7. I vote no, the reason for the complaint about lag time is not about who gets credit for ko, it's because if u try to ko urself to keep other clan from getting ko plunder, it takes too long. And u should just remove xtals from war, because not everyone can buy them, and u can't get anymore of them after quests are completed.
  8. I say yes to all but the crystals change and the limit change keep them constant, the crystal change because everyone would be going for 30 active members just to get an advantage even if they can beat them with 6 crystals and they need no more crystals to win the war
  9. I vote no. Mithril is a large part of a war. Not many people war because of it. If you remove Mithril, less people will war so all these new war rules would have no point.
  10. Was just getting my mith train rolling 
    Oh we'll I managed to make 197 mith on my main in 4 bogus wars  I hate you KaW 
    I have a clan to give away now.

    Name : Mith Brothers

    Wall me and its all yours
  11. I say no we deserve to ger mithril from wars. What does it matter if people only war for mithril thats there choice plus its not like everyone does that.
  12. Ok. I have some large thing to say. I remember many years ago when all of the thousands of people would struggle to finish the hauntings and when getting 100 mill is a near week task to accomplish, and also a lot of cash. Now getting 100 mill is a 4 hit thing for my troops in any tier 5 and up. I clearly am fine with getting that much cash. The equipment is also a large ok thing for me. All the Epic Battles are pretty awesome too. The warring is different thing. When you warred, a few years ago, you would choose a clan and war. Not many clans knew that much about hansels and just attacked random opponents. Now we have that we war some random clan, spend tons of money on the game to get health crystals that barely do anything when people would war all week and it even win. I am completely fine with the warring system today. I am ok with people using 2 crystals, an easy 4 hour war, and having fun! But taking away Mithril, that's going over the line. That is most likely the main reason people do wars. It isn't fair to a person who spends 2 health crystals, (roughly a dollar each) and then not even getting rewarded properly. If you guys are releasing a full set of Red Paladin Armor, how are we supposed to earn it! Doing 3-5 wars a weekend can get you 200 Mithril (if super lucky) and that doesn't even earn you the 250 ones! So spending 6-10 crystals a weekend to hope to get a lot of Mithril for that one special armor and not even getting it.
    I'd prefer if you guys made things really simple how it was, not "if not warring, veil" or "Max all 6 xtals to finish this epic battle". So I would like it if you guys kept the tier 1-7 epic battles, equipment, and getting rid of estoc warring so people can earn the same, or a percent of the estoc wars in normal war to keep things originally.
  13. I think if you do this you should raise the price of all mithril items and then remove the limit on how much mithril you can buy
  14. No. Let mith be acquireable only through estoc wars.

    Once again I vote no on xtal usage increase.
  15. Love the extra xtal idea. Hope payout will be increased as well. 
  16. So then how will we get mithril? Will it still pay mithril in estoc? Will we be able to buy more than 6 at a time?
  17. What's a system war vs any other kind