I vote NO on extra crystals. If matched are 40 v. 60 it's still unfair even with xtals. The clan with greater number has the ability to KO majority of players in size 40 clan. Once KO and timed your forced to xtal out of KO at which point the opponent is already sitting on u with multiple accounts and rendering UR xtal useless. Keep clans as close to the same number as possible.
No to extra xtals. It doesn't solve the problem since its too easy to over correct. The weaker clan needs to be able to add to roster to even out sides
Nice joke devs, you really think we're going to use extra xtal => real money because you can't make a fair matchup and with the risk of losing because a 20 extra members can sit on you during all war ? NO SUPPORT
Btw, is it possible to have a matchup 30vs100 so we can have 10.000 extra xtals to use ??? You are just suggesting low size clans are paying for your errors to earn more real cash right ? To conclude, can you also increase the price of Pro pack 5€ higher to obtain the same things ppl got when they bought it at 39.99€ ? Seems so legit for new players
I do like the idea of more xstal usage option for the outnumbered clan. Hopefully that will help balance things out. I do also understand what people are annoyed w seeing that this might only bring you more revenue. So, I purpose a solution: sell xstals for game $$. Obviously, on the surface it seems to be a bad idea - but hear me out. #1) some people refuse to spend any money on a game (I understand that - but I'm not there...check the records...lol) #2) xstals are absolutely vital to good ewars - they are in reality a game changer #3) you have w these two things now created a dilemma in kaw (especially after cutting off getting mith through system wars). I think you should sell xstals for like 10-25 bill a piece (or perhaps based on a persons cs like mith price). I'm not a salesman - but this might actually help your revenue in kaw for 2 reasons: #1) people will see you as giving them options and making a fun environment #2) people will most likely stoop to buying xstals when they can't afford it - but really need it (they'll see the benefit and get hooked) I'm just you're average, run of the mill player trying to find solutions to new problems you presented by doing this. Thanks for listening
I VOTE NO on extra crystal. Here is an idea, if your algorithm for matching is garbage find a better mathematician, or how bout if u out my clan up 40 v. 60 KAW GIVES US THE EXTRA CRYSTALS! so we buy out two but whatever extra UR formula suggests u give to us on the house to make up for your shortcomings
I stopped reading at the use more health crystals part , ee has turned in to a money pit for the devs and i see clans now that have ( must have 2 crystals for war ) ee isnt about warring its about how much real money u are willing to pay , when it started it didnt have my vote and this stupid update hasnt
I don't want devs to increase mith use in small clans. Just improve the algorithm to balance the matchup
While I appreciate Devs trying to do something to help balance the wars, I don't think more xstals will really help; it just creates more complexity. It does seem very hard to produce good matchups - I think the best idea I have heard is to let the overmatched side continue to recruit (if they can get fools to join them) until the clans are equal. Unfortunately, that also can be exploited; there are no easy answers. As for removing mith payouts from systems wars - I am strongly opposed to it. So what if people staged fake wars to get mith? The payouts really are not good for the time invested, but if a player really wants mith but can't participate in the EEs - let them. You used to be able to buy mith - some players have 1,000s and 1,000s of mith stockpiled.
Voting results so far Yes - 36 NO - 217 Devs, get the picture yet? There were many ideas that were good but did not directly involve your users spending money like this bad idea... Why not pick them. Make a game for people who play it for free and for those who spend thousands of dollars a month. Obviously, the more players you have, the more possiblility of buying xtals and nobs. On matchups, limit the difference in numbers to + or - 5 maximum. Preferrably the stronger team has the lesser amount. If this is not possible, ask the teams in a short window of time to adjust, stronger team veil members or weaker team add members. Or forfeit the match altogether before it starts. Give the control to the players, not the devs putting teams into a slaughter. Getting teams close in number will increase xtal sales just because it will be a close match and need xtals to win. This comes back to a point that has been made hundreds of times but never implemented. OPT-IN wars ("War Cry") instead of opt out. ("veil") . Veil has created so many problems for owners and admins that it is a maintenance nightmare.... And who ever is running ATA, don't let the devs snow you in saying it cannot be done. It can and it is the same or easier than doing a veil. As for system wars, the mith payout for the time spent was terrible anyway. Let people do that to gain mith as a token. If you have to, reduce the already pitiful mith payout, but keep the system wars with some mith reward. (not just ee) Do you know how many system wars you will have to do to just to buy the breastplate and max enchant it??? Not to mention the whole set. Freshmen will graduate before getting a set of red paladin armor. Here is a novel idea, remove the clan size restriction altogether (or minumum 20 kingdoms) and use the +- 5 member matchup rule and let the clans adjust and accept the matchup or deny the matchup. That way you let the clan owner decide. And yes, there are ways to abuse this system also, but it is far better that the forced bad matchups that are going on now. You would still take into account clan strength as well as size in matchups, but at least getting close in numbers will make it a fighting chance. Hopefully someone will listen to this idea and the many other ideas and come up with one that will work for the community and not look so greedy on ATA's part. Make a game that people like to play, and the money will come in. Good luck with your decisions.
For those that say the extra xtals will give the advantage to the smaller clans, here is something to think about... Using an xtal gives you MAYBE 50 more actions. IF the other clan doesn't pound you down first. Doubtful that 50 actions would even be possible, in any war I have participated, BUT for sake of generous-rounded numbers, let's say 50 successful actions are possible from an xtal, to get a rough idea of the flaw in thought by the devs. That assumption being made, every 5 minutes natural regen offers 4-6 actions, again for round numbers, lets say 5 actions. 10 extra-active players (again, rounding numbers) would then gain 'roughly' 50 extra actions every 5 minutes. (10 players multiplied by 5 actions per 5 minutes ≈ 50) That's 'roughly' an extra xtal for the clan that has 10 extra-active players, EVERY 5 MINUTES. Over 4 hours of roughly 48 total 5 minute regens, that's 48 extra crystals, roughly. Thus, giving a smaller clan more xtals, wouldn't do much good, because the NATURAL REGEN smashes those xtals right away. Money out the window, and more clans giving up on the system. Fix your system devs. Don't make THE PLAYERS pay for the flaws of your system. Do fewer wars on a rotating schedule. More clans would sign up, for each war, thus creating a BETTER chance of fair matchups. I approve the removal of "mith wars" from the system. Some random clan hitting their own alts for 12 hours for easy mith doesn't sound like war... Sounds like a lack of trust in your flawed system. Regain the trust of your community! The new wars offer as much excitement as any phone game can, find a way to remind people of that fact.
This is a great thing, and the xtals are very fair now because the number is not random, it's math so 40 members with 2 extra xtals each can make it up in power for a 60 member clan in 4 HOURS (4 unloads). Simple math.