LOL, Don't be mad my fellow kawers. This wouldn't had happened if our main support group was called something else other than ThinkingApe. When was the last time our great Ape actually do some thinking? Hope that answered your pondering thought.
This is just another way for the Devs to take advantage of players wallets. It's seriously getting pathetic Devs. You treat us like crap, and then expect us to fund you even more? Are you kidding me?
Please listen: 1 player difference in war = 6 xstalls. Because in 4 hours that's equals 4 unloads plus 2 xstalls. The answer is to even strength in war as a starting point. Then even spy strength. Assess numbers and even them to exact 1 on 1 ratio by removing players with a matchup veil from clan with most members according to strength of attk or spy, whichever is needed. Award any player who was matchup veiled 25 mith and EE bump. They will be fairly compensated by you and can still help clan in war by tracking..... This is the ONLY fair way to war in a 4 hour war. 1 vs 1 / player vs player across the aisle.
How about open rosters? Say minimum of 30 active players and you can add up to 60 total during the war.... Bring back Merc wars... This would also bring back joining strategy and planning... How about 48 hour ee wars...
A. Don't like the system war changes, B. the estoc trial update should look at the stats too, giving stronger but fewer players more xtals isn't entirely fair
My vote is NO againts new sistem war out of ee wthe same situation when eb appeared in kaw finishing with Pwim playing kaw since more than 2 years and all changes done in this game is just MONEYDont destroy to worst way kaw
I honestly feel like the matchups have been fine, quit trying to make sure everyone wins. It's a war game and on that note, a strategy game. A better strategy can overcome a mismatch anytime. The xtal is more than just an extra amount of turns, the instant regen is a huge tide turner. I absolutely vote no, war isn't fair
LMAO! Instead of fixing real problems, let's make them purchase more crystals! Look, I have warred in many EE's now. I have seen smaller clans beat larger clans and vice versa. I have been in clans who have not warred much that have high stats get matched against against a similar clan in stats but the other clan is top 25 in prestige and crushes less experienced clan. It's not the numbers, much of it is the skill and experience of other clan. I don't really know how u are factoring the skill level of these clans warring now, prestige, record of wins and losses in EE or not at all? It's clear to me that fellow Kawers are saying NO overwhelmingly for good reasons. I know u say that order of actions is correct when it shows I'm ko'd before I can even get 1 shot off coming out of KO even though im pressing button furiously full minute before out of ko and that may be true that actions are correct. Sometimes I may want to regen coming out of ko and if I'm taking hits I want to ko myself before they get to me. I don't know if I'm taking hits and whether I can regen until I already ko'd. I refuse to spend another dime wasting crystals and mith until you fix the lag. I have not warred for several weeks now and am losing interest. Months have gone by with little to no improvement in lag or matchups and your proposed solution will make things worse. Numbers and combined stats of those warring are only a couple of things that should be considered in a matchup. And yes people do run mith wars especially when they've lost hundreds of mith spent in bad matchups of beta testing. I understand ATA is not a charitable organization and exists to make profit. I get that and it's fine. Just fix the damn lag. Maybe your algorithms can factor in other things to make matchups fairer
I've spent tons of mith and crystals in these EE wars, lemme make this clear: Fix The LAG! Fix The LAG! Fix The LAG! Fix The LAG chants
I would agree with the changes if EW mith payouts were better. Since a lot of clans are trying to do back 2 back EW's trying to get mith, and not having the funds or the will to buy xstals. I suggest this. What if only the losing clan at the time of plunder update is able to use only 1 xstal per war. Still gives a chance for both teams to use it. And if matchups are poorly made, losing team could use upto 2 xstals. Just a thought, as I fall asleep here. And plz, u grammer nazi, just save it. Idc
No No No. EE is yours to fix. Do it like summer wars. Fix the formula. Combine clans based on win/loss war stats. Too many changes are killing the game - ask the two year plus players if you can find them. Some of us sit in silence while you propose changes to generate $$$$$ every week in Xtal sales. EBs will keep clans together and stop clan hopping... Yup Hey let's make EBs drop gear = rampant clan hopping. You need mith if you want this sweet gear... Yup. Kill MWars like you did PWars that will fix it all... Welcome back to PWars Ask yourself why would someone spend 130b on an mwar? Because EE works for mith? I think not. Unless you happen to be in the grossly mismatched clan doing the beatings. We are your customers who play with friends and rate your game. Most of us aren't willing to pay 10-20$ a week for xtals you should give us to EE in bad matches. Heck I don't even have time for a good match..
Nooo!!! Just allow clans with the lower number of members to even out the matchup. War doesn't start for two hours. Unlock rosters for 45 min for a chance to even up the numbers. Something like this should work. The whole crystal idea is great for dev's (money maker) bad for players, just don't see myself wanting to war if I have to use more xtals just to war.