Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. As a player who likes to war and gets mismatched I like the idea and would be willing to try it...
  2. A clan match up of 30-34 would yield no extra crystals cause it doesn't go over .5 in the equation
  3. No support until EE wars are 24/7
  4. How about having a health crystal drop in the wining side for Estoc?
  5. Doesn't 34 go over?
    34-30 = 4
    4*4 = 16
    16/30 > 0.5.
  6. What if instead of adding an xtal use to the outnumbered side, you take away an xtal from the side with the number advantage. It would have the same effect, but it would make competition in these wars more economically possible.
  7. Ok Rud ur right at 30-34 I'm sorry I didn't take into account that small a match up

    Easy fix tho is to raise minimum to counteract that but the idea still holds the same
  8. I vote NO (would dev's be giving the xtals free to the least member clan??? No)
  9. I thought we were idiots if we didbt agree with u. Now u don't agree with yourself.
  10. No support for the extra xtals solution for mis-matchups. Although its easier for u devs, it is not fair and can potentially be abused.

    As u already considered the total strength while doing the match up, smaller size clan should mostly have much higher indvidual stats. Therefore, when extra xtals are allowed for them, bigger impacts will be made by them.

    Besides, a fair war depends on too many things. I have a strong feeling that simply allowing extra xtals will cause other issues. And the best way to ensure a fair war is still a better MATCHUP METHOD.
  11. @Eric, I like your thinking
  12. I vote NO. We should use xstal WE pay for to fix YOUR mismatched wars. This will make wars much much worse.
  13. Yes it does. And I would appreciate you not calling everyone who doesn't agree with you "idiots". No one else has resorted to name calling.

    The rules:

    * We first calculate the difference between the 2 clans. ex: 60 vs 40
    * We multiply this difference by 4. ex: 20 x 4 = 80
    * We then take this number and divide by the smaller clan size. ex: 80 divided by 40
    * Every member of the smaller clan will be able to use that many more Health Crystals (rounded up at 0.5). ex: So with a 60 vs 40, every member in the 40 member clan can use 2 more health crystals

    *34-30 = 4
    *4x4 = 16
    *16/30 = .533
    *Rounded up at .5

    .533 > .5

    So 34-30 would yield a possible 30 extra crystals.

    How is your math different than our math? It's a universal language, dude.
  14. I did the math:
    Say clan A has x people.
    Say clan B has y people, and that x>y...
    Doing the math, if:
    y 1/9 of y <= x, then Clan B gets at least one xtal more. <= is smaller than or equal to, btw.
  15. But at the same time 34 -30 is still hard for the 30 in current rules

    24 extra bars in their favor

    This math would only give the 30 ... 30 more bars for a total of 6 extra bars seems pretty close to me

    Also the devs did say this would only comin to account if the match ups were very staggered
    A difference of 4 isn't that staggered I'd hope they would be smart enough to only apply this to a match up where a clan was out numbered by 8 or more
  16. The fact is the devs never factored strength rankings in. The reason a big 30 clan faces a smaller 40 is b/c more players add str. They already have an algorithm. Now u are gonna make the stronger clan get more xtals so they can just pin you the last hour of war. Huge fail.
  17. Please refer to my post where I talk about how crystals in EE war have nothing to do with how many bars you get, but in the huge advantage of being able to drive your enemy to KO, sit on them, and throw off their tracking. It's about using them for strategy. It's not at all about how many "bars" you get. This isn't EB.

    I think now you're just arguing to save face.
  18. I say helps out. But where would these xtals come from.
    Also its helps not to be pinned. So instead just make it a random time. Say like in between 10&15 minutes.
    Also for system wars. Any way to put in inferno and aqua in as part of payout?
  19. Omg u are crying about a 30-34 matchup? U can't get much better than that hardly. There are like 100 clans warring. What do u want?