Kingdoms at War: 2nd Anniversary All-Star War - 2011

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by admin, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. I agree IB. i as well paid no mind to the forums. Now im finding myself even reading the gossip forums and the oh so hilarious repeat questions. Thank you for holding out devs and mods. Some good reads here for sure and some crazy ones as well. 
  2. OK...I understand waiting to release to cut back on politics....but I'm going a bit nuts here!  also shouldn't the war have been declared by now? Or are the devs making it less then 24 hour wait time after war acceptance... Guess we just have to keep waiting in suspense 
  3. Guys devs are hosting they can start the war instantly if they want. He'll they could just move us all to the clan right before it starts. Guess we will wait n see
  4. Just went through all wars that start In next 24 hours and see nothing ... O well guess we wait
  5. Dammit just find out 2nd all star is now!!! I missed the first. Is there still room??
  6. Nope first page tells all rosters locked.
  7. Sorry guys but the roster is locked
  8. Guys this isn't just a easy pick names out of a hat deal they are workin g hard to push the teams together evenly and fairly at the same time working on the future update patient and wait please all will be ok my dears ...
  9. Exactly plus why stress out if your know your already in. Just sit back relax n let's get ready to have fun. 
  10. I Agree IB15 I have Been a mod on many other sites but only in game are live chat with players.. Never been big on forums there were other mods handling them..I always read for the info .. I've seen a lot more newer players reading an posting giving Life to Forums :!: .
  11. AllStar Clans are being created.

    Clan assignments are being sorted by the developer and should be posted shortly.

    Declare time can be adjusted, or even eliminated (1 min declare time), so don't worry. All Star war will not be delayed. It will happen at the appointed times.

    Stay tuned.
  12. Drats... Im like what couple weeks too late? Can't believe it's already year 2
  13. That's what happens when you only login once a month Raeki. Lol
  14. WAR ROSTERS ARE LOCKED - NO MORE WITHDRAWS! If you cant fight in war just do not show up.
  15. Great job keeping us in the loop wulf. 
  16. Who will be owning the all-str the clans? And if they don't get disbanded after the war then who will own it then
  17. What are the clan names??

  18. Last year the #! in each clan was owner with top 10 being admin.
    Not sure how it will be this year.

  19. They will be announced soon.
    Don't wanna steal the Devs thunder.
    I think the names are cool though.

    He is assigning rosters now. Give him a couple as he needs to be careful to balance by rank and build type as best he can.
    It will be announced very soon.
  20. All the players in the war are automatically active UNLESS they message the in game wall of: KAW with the message 'join delay'. Must be exactly join delay. This will give you 4 hours until you are automatically joined and become active in the war.