Kingdoms at War: 2nd Anniversary All-Star War - 2011

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by admin, Sep 1, 2011.

  1.  I sent an email on 9/1 and didn't get on the list

  2. You needed to use feedback as per the instructions to get on the roster.
  3. Clan assignments will be held until the last minute to help limit pre-war "Politics"
  4. I applied and didn't get on the roster, if any1 on list that is dosnt want their seat, plz give me a shout 
  5. Sad I didn't make the list, however rather than cry like a lil baby, I'll be cheering on my friends :D

    Good luck IC, kick butt :mrgreen: xxx

    Edit: Just so I don't get anymore know-it-all numpties posting on my wall... I've obv didn't apply to the ASW with this account as she's too small. I applied with my main :roll: Doh!
  6. I will miss this war but I can also cheer on the Jedi's Jango-Fett (clan owner)Ravenhead (good friend) spinfree (old owner) tobeque(good friend) Gavin-Darklighter (very good friend) and more hopefully they will not have to fight on another
  7. Will they have to fight each other Sexwulf ???????
  8. Plus Jedi_MasterDJ and RaVaGeD_BeAvEr
  9. It's been said on page one no preferential treatment. So people from the same clan have no way to request to be in the same clans.

    4 people from my clan got in so guess we may be fighting against each other.
  10. Oh dang! I didn't know about this! I SO would've signed up! Please let me know next time!
  11. How do u join
  12. Could i join?
  13. AAU and bob, you both are waaaaaaaaaaay to small to be in this.
  14. The anticipation is killing me.  hopefully I'll end up on a team with someone that has a spy on the other side. Lol. Nothing like a rigged fight eh? Just ask Don King.
  15. If they do have a spy, it won't be like pwars lol. They'll try their best to be closed, and just assassinate/steal/scout
  16. Very excited yay!!
  17. Awwwwwww im in
  18. Re: Kingdoms at War: 2nd Anniversary All-Star War - except

    @sexwulfs post on last thread
    I already posted that exact post except the link