Kingdoms at War 1st Anniversary All-Star War!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by admin, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. How about an everyone vs mods war. I'm sure tmh will support. We could let it go for a year. And have it on a yearly basis!
  2. Very good 

    Penser un peut au français car pas beaucoup comprenne l anglais merci
  3. Good Ideal Devs but Devs y'all should made it 4 Every one not just top 2000 I would Join But I can't cause I'm not in the Top 2000 Ranks o well, No DisRestpect Devs...!
  4. I love this idea!!! And luckily I'm in top 2000. Lol

    Leaders for the teams is gunna be interesting... I can't wait for rosters to come out. 200 peeps in one clan.... cc is gunna be busy!!
  5. sign me up
  6. Well then...I guess the Lord of the Dawn shall return for one last battle, lol.

    Even in the darkest of nights, a beacon will shine.

    Time for war:)

    Sholron, Lord of the Dawn
  7. I agree with godsninja
  8. I agree with godsninja good idea 
  9. Damn I'm 2001
  10. What about world war of zaft/ig vs uwf..that will be temp closed???
  11. If NAL and IG are on the same team.. We will just have to see what happens.

    Won't we?
  12. I think all participants are aware of the possible outcomes of signing up (grouping with people you detest/hate/dislike) and are mature enough to set their differences apart. It shouldn't be a problem, iG v Nal war will most likely remain in their clan, not follow out, at least not in a friendly fun war, same goes for other rivals.

    Well that's what I think and hope.
  13. I sort of agree with Benny, even though I'm a relatively new player :p. I wouldn't go too low, but maybe some of the old peeps would be cool. War sounds like fun, and probably a ton of work to create.. so I don't think the devs are going to do multiple brackets because it will increase the workload by a huge amount. Despite popular opinion, I'm sure they have lives outside of kaw... and need to split stuff up.

    I don't know if it's possible, but would activity of the player also be looked at? I hope everyone that signs up will be on for a full 48 hrs... or at least 40! I wouldn't worry too much about getting stripped either maj, unless you plan to take an extended vacation during the war ^_~.
  14. KAW NEEDS to make the all-star war more open to others
  15. It's not really an all-star war if its open to all.
  16. I'm not one but I believe if any of the first 400 apply they should get an automatic bid into this! They were here in the begining.
  17. Damn... I go away for a week and I'm not top 2000 and the deadline is tommorow. Why couldn't kaw have been made a week later 
    ah well maybe next one...
  18. I wonder who is 2001 they must b really pissed