Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update + POLL

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 19, 2013.


Should there be a forfeit option in a 2 hour war?

  1. Yes

    81 vote(s)
  2. No

    188 vote(s)
  1. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Why everyone so dumb?

    Keep FF..

    When this new estocs equip is out the current mith equip will be pretty much useless. All you need to focus on is winning the war. If clan FF's then it saves you from burning double your pots..
    Shorter wars = easier lvl 30 of this new ****.
  2. no forfiet in war. What's wrong with ppl? You start a war you finish it, simple as that.

    Why not let's us just buy 18 miths a day all at one time? It makes it a lot easier.
  3. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    @Devs-no ff in a 2hr war. Ppl shouldnt sign up unless they are prepared to lose, it's always a risk.
    You should include 4hr wars at least 2x a week. A 4hr war requires strategy and a weaker clan can beat a stronger one given the time, good xtal runs and good strategy. However, a 2hr war is strength. A weaker clan can't overcome higher plunder pulls by bigger accounts in a shorter time frame. Keep it fair for all clans. There are some great small clans who will be at a huge disadvantage in an exclusive 2hr war system.

    @ppl complaining about losing your EE - try joining a war clan and not an eb clan.
    I'm queen of the obvious 
  4. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    The forum says war 1 is over 24 hours from now, yet the clan announcement area says that signups for war 1 end in just under 4 hours...
  5. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Why can we sign up for war? I thought the war was tomorrow?
  6. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Wow thanks devs another face palm moment. Yet again we get treated as second rate players in Europe. Would you mind explaining with estoc series how with the times available anyone other than a US based clan can win the max equipment
    It will be impossible to match their scores with that system and as such we stand no real chance to compete for top rewards unbalancing kaw further still.
    Unless you make it only 3 wars per player count but that causes problems. I can't see any if Europe being able to do that many wars with work and family for 8 weeks if they have to try and do USA times for a fair shot at the equipment.

    Regarding times getting better at least but I still would rather see two options per day

    As is war 2 and 8 brought forward an hour or two would be ideal for more of Europe and war 3 pushed back 1 hour would Also be better.

    Forfeits in two hour wars I think should be a definite NO

  7. There are good changes being made here. I do like two hour wars. I'm surprised the option for a four hour war is completely eliminated. Of course, with all of these war options, that's a LOT more crystals to be bought/used, isn't it? So yes, I do get it.

    I'm confused as to why there is still a 40 person minimum for some wars. In reading feedback, I didn't see a single person who LIKED that concept. It really makes it difficult for smaller clans to be able to participate in these tournaments, and doesn't give them the same advantages as the bigger clans. Everyone should have a go at this.

    Speaking of, I'm a little confused by the new achievement "spell" lose 1 level for losing, and you lose 1 for leaving clan, but it's not as binding as EE? It sounds exactly as binding as EE...what did I miss?

    As far as the forfeit topic, I actually DO agree in a forfeit. Why waste pots and REAL LIFE time when there is NO HOPE for a win? That being said, I only support the forfeit IF the other side is compensated extra mithril for not just a win, but winning by so much the other side FORFEITED. This should be rewarded, not downgraded. A forfeit should end with extra mith to the winning team, so they would get the same amount for sticking it out, but it would give us our real lives back if it's a lost cause.

    Lag wasn't mentioned at all, and that is of course the #1 complaint in the community. Where is the FAQ on lag and the plans to fix it?

    The matchup system, though it's worked on weekly, continues to sometimes work and sometimes not. I saw kaw_admin post that they are just now looking into BFA factoring in...really? Just now? When will this be ready?

    That is all for now.

    I think.
  8. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Is it a glitch on signups for a war today? If its setup already might as well run it
  9. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Is the schedule wrong or is it a glitch? Because war signup is now for tue/wed for war 1.
  10. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Jayde: it's slightly less binding since you gain two levels per win and only lose one by leaving clan. Unless I misunderstood when skimming the post.
  11. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    There was a temporary glitch, this has now be resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  12. If our intent was to force players to participate in ALL the wars, then we would have made the top prize requirement a lot higher. Getting to level 30 requires a minimum of 15 wins. There are going to be 10 wars a week, you can do the math. Additional wars and the 2 hour wars was done so that more people can participate, resulting in better matchups and opening up the prizes to more people. If our mission was to be greedy, the limit would not be 30, but something a lot higher. It's disheartening to see how some players always try to find the most negative things to say about what we are doing.

    We do this so larger clans can war as well. If you don't like the 40 minimum, you have more than 60% of the wars catering to smaller sizes. The logic here is flawed, and once again, it sounds like you are just trying to spin everything in a negative manner. How are smaller clans being left out, when really, it is the larger clans, if anything, that should be complaining?

    You missed how the post stated that you gain 2 levels per win.

    Exploitable and opens the door for bullying.

    Unfortunately, this is something we have to manage on our side so that it is the best experience possible for our players. We have spent a lot of effort in minimizing this, and we continue to improve the servers on a regular basis.

    You are taking what was said out of context.
  13. @ kaw_admin you havent replied to my post on page 22 can you tell me what you think
  14. Hey devs first when the new eb will be out? Second what about the xtal idea that i rise? The winning team in the war will get xtal to each member. Its just an idea that i rise and i want to know what u think about it.
  15. war 7 to at least 8-9... I need to know what time zone you are referring to.

    There is no expectation set for a clan to participate in all 8 wars. That is why we left the level limit at 30. Therefore, given that reasoning, we will not consider giving out health crystals for winners.

    We may look into alternative reward schemes to make it easier for people's wallets, and allow people who don't want to spend/spend less to participate as well.
  16. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Jayde got snookered by KaW admin 
  17. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Kaw admin owned Jayde:)
  18. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Lol jayde
  19. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Kaw_admin can you tell us what slots the 6 equipment will go in?