Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update + POLL

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 19, 2013.


Should there be a forfeit option in a 2 hour war?

  1. Yes

    81 vote(s)
  2. No

    188 vote(s)
  1. Sorry but the war times for europe (Gmt) is still Terrible, plz fix this so people from europe can also participate a few wars instead of only 1 . Peace
  2. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Wars with 25-40 members and wars with 40-75... Not easily manageable for a clan to have to limit I low 30 members and few hours later get minimum 40...

    Getting new mith equipment out... Is it a compensation for new eb equipment? I mean in my opinion very few mith equipments are worth it as of now. Ring was one until u killed it with new eb ring.
    I'm really pissed I wasted that many mith on it!

    Too many war slots now according to me... We are killing eb here, not that I would cry at it but it will be very hard for warriors to make any gold in those coming 8 weeks... Would suck to see all eb people pass me because i war!
    Could we imagine a gold reward as well after war? Until now estoc edge compensated this but with that many wars there's just no way anymore.
  3. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Vote no to ff 2hr war :)
  4. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Much better times for asia, we can finally war on weekends. Thank you!
  5. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Yes to forfeit and thanks dev for making SG warriors have an available war time, unlike in the past where wars are too early or too late. :lol:
  6. Devs about the topic that was before : give the winning team xtal to each member. Plz do it or at least do a poll of it before the season1, and about the EB Plz put him already !!! :D
  7. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Devs' revenue would likely decrease and I'm sure they won't support that. :roll:
  8. Is the preseason this week or next week. Also I don't think that people should be allowed to ff on a 2 hour war.
  9. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Stop complaining about gmt times. Plenty of wars with times to suit all variables.
  10. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Devs can use the plus sign/character? Boooo unfair
  11. You should change war 7 time to atleast 8-9 or even 10 like before i felt that time was the best for all. Also you should compensate clan with atleast 1 xtal after win 8 wars 2 xtals too much money for me and many.
    I also suggest maybe resetting quests and from the time that person completes quests they wait 2-3 weeks till it resets again just a thought.
  12. I like that there's only 2 hour wars now. It makes the married man's life easier. Lol.
  13. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    Agreed with death very good idea but the time they reset could be a work in progress if that's what's needed thank you. :)
  14. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    No forfeits in two hour wars!!
  15. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    And the 2 hour wars are awesome!
  16. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

    What's the new equip from the new eB going to be :|
  17. Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL

  18. No ff... in 2 hour war.... cowards lol