Kingdoms at War - 03/11/13 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. You change hours... You change the number of participants... When can we do estoc in Europe ? Just one ? Can you think of all players please !
  2. Restrictions = piss paying customers off.

    Now i have to choose between my members, we can't all just have fun at the same time, together.

    Devs apparently wants us to tell certain members not to war, and furthermore ..
    They can't really leave to war elsewhere, nor can they do epics for 6 hours, as they will lose Edge if they do.

    Thx Devs .. You really came through for us. Instead of using some of all the money we throw at you, to hire real programmers, who could also give us one wc for all, instead of the 'We US/Canadians/UK are way to good for the rest of the world' wc.

    When you introduced your cashcow Estoc, you claimed it was to improve loyalty to your homeclan.
    How do you think that is working for ya ?

    What are the thoughts behind a 2 hour war ? more money for ATA ?
    Personally i'd have prefered an 8 or 12 hour war, if you have to change the 4 hours.

    Drop some of the restrictions, they kill the joy.

    Upper limits on roster size - why ?
    Get some proper gear, replace the bamboo equip - we throw tons of money at ya.

    Combined with the restriction regarding Edge, you're keeping peeps hostage, why do you lose a level, when going out ?
    62 peeps in my clan wanna war, but only 45 can - 17 hostages unable to do anything from signup til war is over.

    Why can't opponent forfeit say 79 min into the war ? What are the thoughts behind that restriction ?

    Why can't i kick a member untill the 2 hour mark ( i assume 1 hour mark in 2h wars) ?

    Hate the no match rule ! if i sit up waiting for war at 0300 .. and then are told 'haha no war for you', over time, do you think it makes me wanna send you xmas cards ? or do you think it will make me find another game with a one wc community ?

    I too think the very first matchup system was the best.
    You're making it to complicated on yourself with all the no good for nuttin restrictions.

    Just add up strengh on all members in clan, divide it by warring members, and then rank the warring clans. the let 1 fight 2, 3 fights 4 aso.

    let knowledge and activity be the decider, give the power back to the clans. Stop thinking you have to control everything.

    If a clan is getting beaten all the time, let THEM better themselves, learn the tricks, let them put their warroster together.

    Not everything is an exploit .. in a strategy wargame, it should be about knowledge and cunning warleaders.

    Come on Terrance & Philip - get creative ! find solutions - everybody can make restrictions.

    Happy kawing peeps ;)
  3. 2 hour wars are good. Not everyone can devote 4 hours straight yet still they might be active. I for one, cannot do an EE war for 4 hours plus prep time etc. With 2 hour wars, I can pull that off. More people warring will probably mean better matches overall anyways. If you can add new clans into the system, obviously the wars will be better.
  4. Did u study about reducing war loss to modviate more clan to war??
  5. War times: 
    Clan size restrictions: 
    New EBs: 

    Keep going, Devs! You're ruining your own war system
  6. Well, let's just turn water into wine also. Tweaking the system is fine, but come on.
  7. Please consider all timezone for war the time is really great for usa player but for european the war time are really bad ...
  8. Still horrible times for Asia and great times for US east coast... I can see a pattern ;). No more war for us...
  9. More you change and less we war
    Change thé hours and the number of members please
  10. the moment the you buy, red equip now obsolete due new eb equip, we struggle due high costs of mith for it now
    then you throw this in our faces too boot. congrats killing your own ee war idea

    note players are quiting high mith cost plus other ee issues
    plus eb players quiting dye sickness if random eb lotto
  11. the moment the you buy, red equip now obsolete due new eb equip, we struggle due high costs of mith for it now
    then you throw this in our faces too boot. congrats killing your own ee war idea

    note players are quiting high mith cost plus other ee issues
    plus eb players quiting due sickness if random eb lotto
  12. drats double post grr
  13. also for those eb players did you consider some could be scarred of scropians? like some people scarred spiders?

    i think scropian art done well cool, but you not thinking if your larger player base yet again

    side note dragon would eat scropian as burn one crspy with its breath
    least come out creature that dosnt die to bug spray sighs
  14. I have to disagree with your first statement but agree with your second. I think the devs factored the rpe into ebe so it's not as good. If you don't have enough mith, buy the 50 mith items. Yes, the scorpions are gonna scare some peeps out of doing t8 :lol:

    I can't wait to read the new eb guide
  15. I would like some compensation devs I've recently sold 2 allies to change my build for war,times were always crap for uk but now u've made them worse I'm done loosing sleep for war and would like to change build back and reap the benefits of being a eb noob lol, let me know devs lmao
  16. And why exactly do you deserve compensation?
  17. War times are even worse now for UK. Please cater for each continent / time zone on a rota / week !
  18. Also can you update system to allow the purchasing of Red Palladin items
  19. Bacon it was sarcasm to air my frustration, and who are you to question my post take a look it's to devs not you!!!
  20. Yeah what's up with that. Way to kill smaller clans. 40 members is very hard to get sometimes!

    Also, there should be a second war added on Wednesday. War starting at 6am is pretty early, given you have to be up 2 hours before to plan war tactics