Kingdoms at War - 03/11/13 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Btw how is it fair that times exclude us and allow certain time zones to hoard mith and subsequently red paladin equipment that we now won't be able to get anytime soon?? Totally screws European players and destroys any reasons for playing kaw if we cannot compete on an even playing field
  2. We will create more if this works out, this has already been said.
  3. 1. We did european times on Wednesday/THursday. That did not work out because matchups were bad, or no matches were thrown. It's just the reality of the situation based on the number of signups we have.

    2. I already responded by saying that we will look to create UK friendly times on the weekends in the future, this should address your concerns about fairness.

    Finally, you mentioned that Sunday times were poor. How is a 3:00pm GMT time bad?

    If you have additional ideas, feel free to share them and we will consider it.
  4. Thanks, we will update it.
  5. @ kaw admin : please answer questions I posted on page 21.
  6. Fairness addressed but in the future so we lose time and opportunity

    Times on Sunday. As stated family time with children who go to bed at 7pm vs kaw. Kind of obvious where all if us parents stand on that subject or it should be. Evenings are always best and that means preferably 7-8 pm start when we don't have to worry about looking after children that are asleep. We do have real lives that come before kaw.
    Additional ideas have been mentioned in the past but I shall gladly spend some time preparing a post and email on ideas and gratefully accept any player ideas for what options they would like to see.
    Diversity is the spice of life and anything that promotes pvp in a controlled environment has to be good for kaw.
    It's not jus weekends we want btw. The Thursday war was a very good time for Europe. Having that as a 2 hour war would of been ideal. Saturday war is good but only the one option doesn't not benefit us.
    Appreciate that you will consider more times but seems a lot prefer the old times and two wars per day asap should offer everyone fair opportunity to war. If we don't use that opportunity then that's a problem of our making and we cannot complain about it. But we do need options.
    Thank you for responding I and hopefully those reading appreciate that you take the time to discuss this with us.

  7. Weekday wars are usually best later at night. No one has time to war in the weekday, especially not while in work
  8. Not everyone has a 9 to 5 job. Not everyone has more free time during the weekend so that makes your argument invalid.
  9. Your right, I work 5 to 5.
  10. Should try a 20-35 & 40-75 range on weekend wars so more clans can war 40 is a lot for smaller clans. Just an idea
  11. @ surreal and val
    That is exactly why I am requesting 2 wars per day at differing times. One would be an evening to benefit a percentage of players the other earlier in the day to suit the other players.
    Se wars pref at least 2 wars for europe and the rest divided between other time zones also seems logical.
    This should accommodate more players obviously than one war per day and give clans the opportunity to select wars that suit the majority of their members and hopefully get more warring.
    As another player stated poll the community as to best times.
    The more players that state the times that suit them as opposed to just times suck then the more info that devs can use to plan war schedule.
    However multiple options seem logical as to promoting participation. As does the idea of two clan minimum/ maximum limits for participation that worked well last week. But arrange these to be tighter clans that stack would have higher chance if no match so that should help balance out that exploit.

  12. Our worry is that if we had 30 clans that wanted to war, and we had problems matching up. If we then had 2 wars that day, and attracted let's say... 10 more clans, it would create 2 wars with 20 members each. This would make the situation much worse.

    So while I do agree it may help, please be aware that there is no simple clear cut "best" solution. We are trying to balance the system as best as we can, given everyone that is involved.
  13. Hi KAW I been saying this last week and still the same my CA still need sorting and KAW app keep turning off while I'm in EE

    PLZ get back to thanks
  14. Understood but we won't know till its tried. Lets hops Sunday demonstrates whether it helps and also why it would be of benefit if everyone who wants to war can state times that suit them so you have an accurate picture of what times best suit the majority of players. Rather than what we have to sign up for. Separate poll thread maybe?
    Ty for discussing will leave thread and hope more reply on times and sizes preferred 

  15. So kaw_admin is addressing every random post except the biggest complaint of changing the min size of 3456 wars, that have been 30 min for months, to 40 min. 3-4 have THE most participation and you want to adjust those???? Seriously guys. Seems ridiculous to change the 2 with the least problems. Right?
  16. If participation is an issue why not consider awarding Estoc's Edge to both the Winners and Losers? The way it is now successful Estoc's Trial Clans get the boon of Mithril Rewards and increased earnings, and unsuccessful Clans get a kick in the pants. What we're seeing is a depreciation of the competitor pool week-after-week as the "good" Clans get better and those new to the fray get stomped.

    I understand rewarding folks for losing is not a popular proposition but it will go a long way to get people to join. The Gold loss from an Estoc Trial is rather hefty, especially for smaller Kingdoms. Throwing both sides a stipend for rebuilding is just good sportsmanship. We all like the Estoc's Trials for the Mithril anyway, give Clans a reason to stick together for a week and give it another go, win or lose.
  17. Are you guys mental? Killing your own EE by coming out with new EBs and equips?
  18. Agree with Zatt. That new ring is so similar to the ring people fought many weeks to earn the mith to buy and now u can eb for it???? Wow.
  19. :lol: :lol:
    Lucky I saved my mith...making sure that devs didnt do something like this before i bought them..
  20. Honestly you can get both rings, one with mith and one without. The new one isnt better than the mith and it is better than the other