Thinking max should be 20 and min 60 really the highest I've seen from the 100 max wars was like 70. So with that said I think these would best fit wars.
Responses to some points raised: Q: These times are bad for XXX Timezones. You are not allowing us to war! A: Yes, we shifted the war times for this week. When we ran Tuesday/Wednesday wars and made them align with either asian or european timezones, there was very little participation. If this were to happen again, this would lead to many clans with a "no match" result. Obviously, this is not what the community wants. Unfortunately, we simply cannot run wars when not enough clans are interested. If 2 hour wars are successful, we can run some 2 hour wars on Friday or Saturday that are targeted for the evenings in asia and europe. Q: Why did you change the minimum and maximum clan sizes? A: The only way to generate less "no match" results is to limit the clan size range for every war. That's why we offer smaller size wars earlier in the week, and larger sized wars later in the week. We cannot open up this size restriction until more clans sign up. This is done to protect you, the players, from disappointing "no match" scenarios. Q: Estoc's Edge losing when you leave clans A: We will not remove the loss of the edge when you leave the clan. This will create new issues with temporarily super clans that form, plus opens to door to a lot more exploits. As a compromise, we can remove the edge bonus completely and increase the Mithril payout. This will simplify the system completely and is something we are open to exploring. Q: What is EDT vs EST? A: Currently, there is no EST or PST time. It has been replaced by EDT and PDT. If you are on the east coast, you are currently on EDT time. Q: 2 hour war details A: No changes in anything for 2 hour wars, except that they are 2 hours in duration. Any questions we missed? Let us know and we will get to it this afternoon.
K first DO NOT REMOVE THE EE LVL THAT WILL DESTROY THE EE WARS FOR A LOT OF PPL. Second what about the 2h wars? The Ko timer is also 15 min? And the xtal we can is still 2 for 2hours war?
But min 40 on 3456 is going to cause much less participation and really how many clans are going with 75?? Wars 34 are the most participated wars and now u are upping the requirenents. Makes no sense b/c those 2 wars usually have the best matchups. I think all were fine with 30-60 those days. Clans have already adapted to those numbers and have their rosters set. Ugh.
The changes to the war system are getting more and more ridiculous. At least your weekly "update" threads keep me entertained as I'm not warring anymore
Ok replacing edge with extra mith? No way. Last weeks match ups seemed to have improved, yes there where no match situations.... Stop stacking simples. War is expensive we need the edge for preparation, it also helps with growth when you have to bank and lose 25% more often. To be honest we deserve the edge so leave it alone. To those who keep complaining about losing levels just stop before you lose the lot for the rest of us. War with your home clan or be prepared to drop levels if you move... Rant over .
Kaw admin please confirm the following: 1) will FF be disabled during 2 hr war?(please) 2) will you still be able to use 2 xtal during 2 hr war? 3)will ko time change during 2hr war? Thanks
Guys the 40 minimum requirement forces a lot of smaller clans to bring in random last minute sign ups which Inturn screws us on matchup and in wars I've said since beginning a 30-50 limit even 30-60 is the best setup for all wars
Time zones are better like this?? You just made it substantially harder for Europe to war = less matchups as less clans will war. You increased minimum sizes to increase match ups?? = you made it harder for clans especially without European members warring to front teams. As such less clans warring harder to match up. Won't remove losing estocs edge but will consider removing it totally. = completely destroys the point of the reward system you have out in especially for non Hlbc players who need the boost I'm gold to grow their kingdoms for war. Increased mith yes it's needed and overdue. But you could easily nominate a home clan for ee to work in only to reward loyalty to clan. At the moment alliance and sub clan members suffer losing edge and we can't war without them to make up the numbers ( which you just raised ) so they war for little enough as is. 2 hour wars are the only aspect that are welcome here. No ff for 2 hour wars should be a must. Link ee to a home clan nominated by player and ee only works in that clan maintains loyalty. Ee DOES NOT prevent clans stacking to win mith already and what you propose would encourage more clans to stack members to get mith. Run wars in classes. Clans of 25-30 members or 50-60 members and you would get more viable matches and more clans could sign up. In the case of a miss match give the clans 30 minutes to recruit or veil certain members to provide an even war if that's needed. If we have a small window for our line ups that we have to roster within it will help us to aid the matchup system. Post a forum weekly showing match ups and no match strengths and numbers so we can target what our clan strengths should be. Thurs and Saturday wars were ideal for Europe now we have just one war the rest family work and school take priority. Why is it so hard to give two time slots per day that clans can sign up for? I very much doubt that many clans would do two a day but it would give us the choice of which wars we can do with the same risk if no match as normal.
Mans devs please go back to the old times these new times make it even harder to get active participants in war I could war 3-4 wars before now I'll be lucky if I can do 1 war with these new times horrible
Please take away EE and add extra mith. Who really cares for a lil extra plunder bonus except eb noobs? I just want to get mith tbh lmao.
Devs- Also, I was wandering if you checked out mine and anarchy's Bounty Hunter idea? We have plenty of support and I can't see a downside to it. I was looking for your opinions on it and WHY exactly it wouldn't be implemented?
@val the only downside of yours and anarchy's idea is that almost all eb noobs will not like being hit just so others can get mith.
40 min is Good Let's bring your friends!! You can do it! Less clan join is not important, more ppl join to EE is important. crystal used by each ppl, not by clan lol We can adjust to 40 min, just get ppl from somewhere
Wow devs. Seems like 2 steps forward (last week) and 1 step back (or is that 3 steps back). The no match system was in place for part of a weekend and now you need to tinker with it. If you just give it some time then clan leaders will adapt so they can get matches. As I said in a previous post, no match will help prevent clan stacking whether it is with ally lb players or with an excessive amount of guild hansels. Both are attempts to circumvent and exploit your matching systems. Both should be stopped. By going with your current system you simply encourage this bad behavior to continue. Our clan had 3 excellent matches on fri-sun last week with 28-30 members. We won 2 and lost 1. I wouldn't wish to trade any of those great matches for a whole weekend of walkover lopsided matches.
Actually I did read this this morning, and it sounds fun. However, we need to focus on one thing at a time, and at the moment, it is Estoc Trials. Thank you for taking the time to put together such a clean and well thought out post though, much appreciated!
@Kaw admin, Do you not trust your own "No match system"? When faced with choices: 1) 35 members being able to war, sorry we couldn't get those 5 more from wc - NO WAR 2) 35 members being able to war, sorry system couldn't find a fair match - NO MATCH. I choose #2, because that at least gives more clans a chance to TRY war. Moreover, this clans that only have 35 able to war, would/could be matched with other clans with 35. The 40 minimum sounds like you are tying to protect yourself, rather than the players. If the players choose to stay in their home clan (which was the goal of EE - promote loyalty) at the risk of getting a "no match", that is their choice. I'd rather NOT WAR with friends because of a NO MATCH, than war with strangers. You want more clans signing up... 20-70. Try it. ;-) How many found a fair match with the 20/25 minimum? (We loved ours, great matches)
This does not make sense, we have tried to give european times but did not get enough matchups. Our hope is that new times will lead to more matchups. I believe you are coming in with the assumption that european clans are high enough in numbers to have good matchups, but given the past experience, this is not true for weekdays. Unfortunately, it is not simple for us to implement a "home clan" for numerous reasons. Sorry. We just did that with the tighter clan sizes. This does not work because we would then have to stall the matchup sequence every time we hit a mis-match and would therefore require a significant longer amount of time to generate the proper matches. Unfortunately there is no way for us to disclose how strengths are calculated, nor is there a way for players to easily calculate their strength. The numbers should be clear now with the narrower size restrictions. We are doing this for Sunday, in our post, we did say we would explore doing more.