Kingdoms at War - 01/02/13 Update

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Actually Face... I don't believe that 100's of people all came together to make this idea.. I believe that 1 single smart person did it and shared the idea, then there were people that thought it was a smart idea.. That was until now when they wasted gold on it and now there is a chance it will be fixed
  2. PollyAnna was smart building a tower farm and sky-rocketing to the top of the battles lb with 24dude. How did that work out? Why it created the Tower Build, of course!

    (Also cost Polly 100,000 wins) proof that exploiting a game mechanic isn't always "smart"
  3. Face
    Really? This seems to be a thread where players are trying to decide what is best formthe future of this app. There is no need to be inflammatory
  4. Lol moose no inflammatory was thought. I was just simply employing that kaw players are smart and crunch numbers and test builds and see what works and what's best for ebs or wars. Obviously this is a war build as it has no use for ebs.
    Any build that is made is a type of exploitation
  5. Yes, Face, but only this build is dtw to attacks whils having troops.
  6. Face:
    Glad no offense was meant . As for smart people on this app, I agree that there are some wicked good number crunchers. I have a lot of respect for those Players. They have skills that make me envious.

    So, what happens when really smart people find a way to play your game in a way that wasn't intended? What happens when smart players find an exploit?

    As we've seen with pwars, it eventually goes viral. Exploits, regardless of who they are found by, are terrible for the game.

    Of course people who like exploits will lobby for them. I'm Currentky of the size and wealth in this game to where I could have a tower build in several weeks. It's easy, but that's not the point. I won't lobby for an exploit, and I'll be vocal about this until its rectified.
  7. Hansel builds aren't inpenatrable to any build.. Attack builds aren't, pure spy aren't, but tower builds are like a ghost build.. You know the troops are there but when you hit you get to,d otherwise. That is an exploitation, a flaw in the game mechanics that the devs have now found thanks to us.. Now that they've found it they are going to work on fixing it, by converting to tower build you took the risk in this happening.
  8. Whilst*
  9. Players who have the tower build will be losing precious little if a patch goes through to actually fix this issue. Why?

    They have enjoyed this exploit for as long as its been around, and they have profited from it, so when the gravy train ends, just be glad you had a nice ride, IMHO 
  10. I will make a complaint. I'm sick and tired of fighting from ko only to ko right back into ko and tryin to self ko myself how about devs fix that
  11. Tower builds will prevent less kos and not having to fight from ko. In turn strategy will form with a clans hansel. Yes pwars was a exploit over money. This isn't the is just a exploit of smart players playing. Again it will bring less kos to the war. But I'm sure you get one down and I wouldn't doubt a 1b loot in plunder from them 
  12. Okay, have at it guys. Cheers to your "fixes" doesn't matter what I say anyway...
  13. Faceless, tower and smart are not mutually inclusive. There are some very smart players that nutted this out. The rest a just sheep, not geniuses, not strategists.

    They're the ones likely to squeal the loudest when this gets plugged. Why? Because they'll need to wait for the smart people to find the next exploit.
  14. Is it not, Face? Level 5 EE more than makes up for the lost plunder. Tower build exploits skew clan prestige and wealth in mith.

    Less KO? Fighting from KO? Those are actual strategies. Eliminating oneself from being KO to start with isn't strategy, it's exploiting a loophole created by another situation.

    When the code allowing the Tower Build was written, it was to change a perceived "exploit" of Tower Farms (which preceded osf as a way to make money in Kaw). Highlands weren't even dreamed of yet, T4 wouldn't exist for many months after.

    As such, the mechanics of the code "as written" were appropriate for their time. Now however, they have created a new "exploit" that was clearly not intended when the initial code was written that provides players who use it a distinct advantage over those who don't. Generally, that of being nearly impervious to attack.

    During OSW, they're tough to strip, but everyone sleeps, so there are clearly times that they'd be vulnerable.

    During system wars, Tower builds can 0 their spies in seconds. If you're in a 4 hour war where everyone should be active and locked in, that advantage can be massive. To say otherwise is completely delusional.
  15. Lol as I'm watching the movie 300. I couldn't help but think this thread is just like the movie. You are arguing like your the Persians that the Spartans are smarter more organized more power full. And calling them cheater. 
  16. So the developers are aware of the tower build that Cambji had for a long time. He was banned unfairly for 24 hours a long time ago, and it was probably because he stayed dtw to attacks for hours on end with this build. Lots of players reported Cambji being dtw to hits because they don't know this build at that point in time. And it was interesting that somehow, our OSW enemy knows of the 24 hours ban, and stripped him of his allies in that short 24 hour period.

    So are you guys going to return him his gold in the spirit of fair play?
    Just a suggestion and consideration. ;)

    As for joe_,

    "During OSW, they're tough to strip, but everyone sleeps, so there are clearly times that they'd be vulnerable."
    When stripped, the tower build does not remain dtw in case you do not know. The player will still have to be extremely active to make it work well.

    There are many strategies to bring a tower build down in an OSW. If you are smart enough, you will know how to do it. YAFI was among the first few to use the tower build for wars, and of course we have counter measures against copycats.

    As for system wars, while tower builds do lead to potential turtling, they earn less plunder during the war too. Certainly a fix by the game developers would be cool and will lead to development of new strategies, something an online game encompasses.

    Probably the next complaint is that we will see many estoc warriors using much smaller alts to aid in knocking out bigger opponents. Matchups are probably by size and not by number of warriors I suppose. Just my 2 cents, I may be wrong. ;)
  17. Faceless, clearly you're a thinker. I'm struggling to keep up.

    Answer me this pls. How is a tower build 'strategic'? And paint me a picture of what KaW will be like when 60% of players copycat this build. Because they will. If the devs don't plug the hole.

    Apple, good post. Agree that the next 'issue' will be the 'baby KO's'. Don't have an answer for that one yet. I'm not that smart. I can only concentrate on one thing at a time. 
  18. Face: Have I called anyone a cheater on this thread?

    Everyone tosses the same 4-5 blurbs supporting tower builds. Nobody addresses that they can't be attacked. It's to the point of ridiculousness. A half-mongoloid clown-shoe can keep spies pinned for 4 hours if they're online, that doesn't take strategy, it's taking advantage of an exploit.

    On numerous occasions, I've provided the community with a history lesson on numerous exploits, as have others.

    The old "forge" exploit was a notable one. Sell a building, then buy a new one on the same land. That building was under 20% troops, therefore the player was DTW for attack.

    That exploit, IMO, is no different than this one in many ways.

    The developers, I'd wager, didn't anticipate the code exploit when they patched tower farms years ago. As I said, highlands weren't even dreamed of at the time.

    Again. If I have troops and you have troops, I should be able to hit you, not you hit me, but when I attempt to return fire, you're dtw though you still have troops. Especially in a system war where 0 troops are required for KO.

    The pure spy mechanic is fine. They have no troops to pin. Hansels fine, both can be assassinated to 0. Spy vs. spy actions.

    No ability to attack someone with full troops because SPIES are at 0?


    In a war alleged to be without dtw?


    Think about that before you rehash the same garbage arguments over and over.

    Apple: excellent post. I'm aware of osw situation with the build in question, and generally have no problem with it in that capacity.

    My issue is that when certain...clan related...boosts are on the line, and folks refer to exploiting a loophole as "strategy" then crying "no harm no foul" while they and their friends benefit from that exact loophole, it needs to be fixed before it morphs into something unmanageable.
  19. haha an exploit is now called strategy. I'm curious how devs are going to fix it.

    fact is - all other builds are not dtw and can be Ko troops for troops and spies for spies. all other builds except for towers...

    now it's not called an exploit - it is a STRATEGY!
  20. Generally its only called a strategy by people who have adopted the build and want to keep it 