Seriously, right? If you aren't interested in the thread then just stay out. It makes no since to go into someones thread to let them know you are annoyed by their thread.
Sly. Comparing 14 people that are fighting a clan or 2. No more than 3 for sure on an online game. To 300 men and a thousand or two other greek soldiers that fought hundreds of thousands of Persians in real life, hand to hand without long range (I shoot you once you die quick) weapons. Where the men slashed an hacked away at eachother leaving a bloodstained battlefield and a trail of carnage and dead bodies. Pretty over-the-top comparison
@demons and angels. Really lol? You can't find anything else to call him out on in the thread so you pick on his color tag at the bottom? That's probably the most pathetic response i have read, and i saw ignorant things durin the tiger-assassin era. Since when does adding a colored tag make him think he's famous? You have the name demons and angels. Does that make you a demon or angel? Didn't think so. Now shut the **** up and stay off threads that have nothing to do with you. And before you say this thread has nothing to do with me so I should stay off of it too, I have 2 oG accounts.
Your post is like a breath of fresh air in this eb fairy now game. Fight those wannabe OSW fighters till the end and take all you can from them. Trust me 70% of war clan members now are eb fairies, even the leadership knows that, they put pretty tags on and enjoy the protection of their clan. one piece of advise, find them and hit them hard again and again. make them cry loud they will sooner or later leave or quit. respect