I got turned down from wars just because i wasnt big enough All i wanted was some casual warring when i came back. Now apparently i need to grow just to pvp.
Balance kinda goes against the whole f2p model in my experience. You offer a mediocre gaming experience at best that demands years upon years of work to reach "endgame" (yes yes I'm aware when KaW was released it didn't require years but they had to start somewhere right?) And then offer to cut those years and years down to months or a year for thousands of dollars in microtransactions. That was to my understanding how these work as opposed to a real video game, a AAA title that is also excellent where you get the main experience for $60 then dlc if they offer it for up to another $40 or $50 and a vastly superior gaming experience. It sucks sure the price difference and time investment for a mediocre product as opposed to an excellent product is practically insane but I also think we all know the ideas put forth will fall on deaf ears :lol:
what the hell are you talking about? i was screaming at the top my longs for MONTHS about why releasing new lands was a bad idea. did you forget to take your meds or something?
oh i get. seth skimmed my other threads and missed the part where i was offering up idea as an ALTERNATIVE money sink to the new lands that i sensed coming. something that didn't have as dramatic negative effect on a free player. the idea behind my other threads was that their accounts would LOOK poor (but still be able to compete), while people with a lot of gold could "bling" their accounts (while still maintaining their dominance).
1st-this isn't about me. i pay to play. (btw it's still irritatingly slow going) 2nd-my concern is that large numbers of players WILL quit and it will mean the end of kaw.
That is a very real concern lol. Mediocre gaming experiences with a requirement of years of work or thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for endgame do have a tendency to push people away. Buuuuut their target audience is the 1-2% who are going to pay out the bum to get on top fast and stay there. The rest of us are just kinda going along for the ride
The 1-2% that pay out the bumwhere is the 2% that payed out the bum for FC?? The 2% of top spenders from GaW? Those are the players who actually ruin the game. They spend so much and devs cater to emptying their wallets. The updates then are merely gold grabs for top players and the bottom rung quits. Not sure if you guys look at KaW store often, but the lists are growing loooong. Everyone wants to sell and leave, no one wants to stay. Reason being it takes either thousands of dollars or years of time. I doubt we will ever see any new players join and reach BC now. The goalposts have been moved too far. I had a friend start playing when devs did the new player package. He already realized it was pointless and moved on to another app. I can't say I blame him and haven't pestered him to keep playing KaW. Long story short, new lands definitely are the end all of Kindgoms at War. The game may go on, but upgrades will kill all pvp except dev sanctioned events. If that's the case their are much better pvp apps out there. Games where build complete takes a little over a month and it's straight PVP after you complete build. No EB's or things like that. Straight pvp. I've actually found a clone of KaW in App Store that plays just like KaW but doesn't have epic battles. Another pure pvp game. So once devs finally run this game into the ground, at least there are alternatives out there
that is the part the devs should care about. when kaw dies, they won't be getting money from the top spenders anymore. they need to realize that earning a little less means earning for a little longer. pursuing short term profits; while ignoring long term sustainability, is going to put them on unemployment.
edit:i just reread and noticed you were probably talking to knocks. oops. here is a link to the thread i believe he is referring to. i also had a focus on new players thread about improving entry into the game. not really the same topic, but the same sentiment of keeping the game alive.
I Started playing in 2009 Or 2010 around there I have 315K battle wins I DO NOT buy crystals and I'm active more than most People who are are HFBC Iv seen HF BC builds with less than 200K battles won yet Iv never been BCED that includes HLBC or even regular BCED when the difference in spending is that great that people who have been playing for years still can't catch up to someone who's only been playing a year or two the game is too screws up between none paying and paying members even tho I have more battle wins then a good 85-90% of those who are HFBC im also ranked 4300 on Battle win lbs
that price increase wasn't ata's decision. certain countries added a new tax. he may not have used punctuations; but his post punctuated my point perfectly.