kingdoms at grinding

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. again. i'm not talking about equality. i'm stating that the advantages that people can get for paying is too great. it is possible for a premium player to get 200-300% of what a free player can. maybe more, i have no idea how much you can buy in nobs every day. i know its too much. its killing the game.

    people have this idea that the big spenders are all that matters. they pay the dock fees. i get that. but they are not the lifeblood of the game itself. normal players are. without a vibrant community, kaw will die. if the devs continue to design the game around a tiny fraction of the players, they are going to design the game out of existence. if they haven't already.

    there needs to be a balance.
  2. @tr1 I think you mistake the argument he is attempting to give.

    That paying players get an advantage is fine. That it will take 3-4 years for a player to BC isn't. It kills any chances of new players sticking around.

    If paying players got BC in 2 months wouldn't bother me. As long as it didn't take non paying players years to BC. Without getting new players to stick around this game dies out like FC. Any money spent is therefore wasted.
  3. Not being bc does not limit the enjoyment of the game.

    I even think, I enjoyed the game more before I was Bc. I had something to look forward.. Beside Now when bc just the misery of adding more bfa...

    I missed the Times being gh
  4. knocks probably said it better than me.

    mainly because i added a controversial idea. but if you follow my series of "save kaw" threads, you'll know that i'm always tossing out ideas. it isn't really relevant to the problem, other than being idea of mine that could be a solution.
  5. i understand that.
    i know lots of people that don't even bother growing. they just tear through kaw and love every minute of it. but you aren't the only one playing this game.

    it is sort of like a vegetarian not understanding why someone doesn't want to eat at vegetarian restaurant.
  6. In general, I'm not rich myself, however, I still can enjoy the premium player experience.. If it takes one less beer bought at the bar, or one less pack of cigarettes or skipped that morning coffee at Starbucks.

    It does not take much, believe me...
  7. The issue was the difference wasn't this large between f2p and p2w players a couple years ago. Now the spread between the two groups has just gotten steadily worse.
  8. it does take a lot. it requires avoiding osw; for absurdly long periods of time. it requires time. and it requires spending money on a game that is advertised as "free".

    288,022/4,658 (98%) <---your win/loses. how long did it take you to tap this that many times? that is a big time investment.

    that 'avoiding osw' part is REALLY annoying to people like me. it takes a lot of restraint.
    you obviously don't fight osw alot. (that's fine, i'm not someone that cares much how people play)
    BUT a lot of us DO like to fight and feel like we can't because the rest of kaw will grow around us while we are tied up.

    but my biggest beef is that the game has gotten to the point that it REQUIRES real money. fighting without funding is a waste of time these days. you can't just 'hit' someone and do real damageanymore. a full day of smacking someone doesn't equal what you can get from a single hte. the 'best' fighters are the best funded fighters. war clans that don't run b2b hte get eaten alive by those that do.

    the game needs rebalanced. desperately. kaw won't last a year if the devs keep going in this direction. in a kaw where you have to spend $5 a week just to make any noticeable progress, people are going to just give up. because if you don't spend that $5 a week, these land upgrades are going to put you further and further behind each time.

    and seriously, is this game REALLY worth $5 a week?
  9. I've read your argument but you lack one thing. A solution. What, in your opinion, is a solution that will contribute to ata as a business and to the majority of the kawmunity?
  10. i did offer a solution. decreasing how much advantage you can buy with real money.

    i've offered other solutions in the past. i don't feel like going through all the ideas i had been tossing out for months as alternatives to the new set of lands that i sensed coming; because the devs released a new set of lands. i'm feeling rather defeated on that front.
  11. KaW 2 would solve the issue️and generate a hell of a lot of money because there would actually be a chance of getting onto LB. More people battling for those spots would probably increase income. Instead of the stagnant LB we have now.

    Game has to die sometime. Rebalance has to be made.
  12. What happens when KaW 2 gets like this? A KaW 3?
  13. yes. why not? lots of games open up new "worlds" when the old ones get to the point where new players can no longer compete.
  14. Yeah i am pretty much screwed, hurray
  15. Have to agree with word.
    When I started. Dreams of build complete were within easy reach with effort.
    The plan was build complete and war like crazy. Now build complete is a fantasy and I won't pay the absurd money requires for hte non stop. That Money goes to my kids.
    If I were to start playing today I would walk away due to time and cost destroying any prospect of enjoying the game.
    This was a great fun and social game when I started. Now it is ever more a money grab while creating a divide so great that many just quit playing.
    Time the devs stepped up and stop making things worse.
  16. I assure you, upgrading brick by brick will take awhile. It's best to stop at a point and simply stockpile funds to ally trade professionally.

    You'd be surprised how active the market is at this point. By sheer activity alone you will accomplish maxing. It's achievable, how bad do you want it though!
  17. 50b a day? You arent playing enough
  18. No support you hypocrite.

    YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SUPPORTED INSANE PRICES TO FIGHT INFLATION! What the **** are you posting now? Shut the **** up and pick a side in silence.
  19. Who cares how long it takes? You in a hurry? Play the game the way you want. If it's fun then keep playing, if not quit.