Kingdoms at ComeOnAndFightYaPansies!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Someone posted without looking at my clan's recent war history. :lol:

    I was in their shoes. We pulled up by our boot straps, embraced new strategies, and won our last one.

    So, I stand by it. Get out there and fight.
    Suck at first, correct it, get better.

    The only things worth doing are hard.
    At least thats what my collage girlfriend told me.
  2. Thanks Wulf, whilst I appreciate the gesture, I'm not wasting my money on xstals, at least not to support current ee wars.
  3. Why waste xtals just to always lose. Why waste gold, mith, pots just to always have a big chance of losing? If you not in a decent or goodEE clan. Theres no point to try to get new members to war. Youll modt likely fight a strong EE veteran clan who is already 3x stronger then you in BFE
  4. Cause eventually we learned, got better, & started winning.
    There is way more to EE than just equipment. And BFE, for that matter, is one of the things being looked at for balancing clans.

    Keep up the winning attitude though ;)
  5. I believe Romulus's point is this.

    Regardless whether or not you win or lose, EVERY EE clan requires xstals for war. If you lose thats just that much more demotivating, to spend rl money just to lose.

    When I did ee wars, I spent around 20 bucks every two weeks on xstals (32 xstals) Usually an average of 8 wars every two weeks (as the war schedules were terrible for my timezone) If I'm going to lose 25% of those wars, thats a loss of 5 bucks. Which isn't usually a big deal except what about those who did more wars?

    Say if the blitz system.was implemented. Lets assume half the wars were blitx and the other half were not. If you participated in 75% of these wars, that would be 9 wars. So around 13-14 xstals a week, or 52-58 xstals a month equaling around 35 bucks approximately?

    Out of those wars lets say you lose 50%. Thats 17 bucks down the drain on a "free app". Losing 25%: 8-9 bucks down the drain.

    I'm not going to to make a long term investment like that just to lose my cash. Its gambling in a way but based on cooperation and equipment (like it or not its a huge factor in EE now)

    I personally don't want to take that sort of ris just to win wars. And I refuse to support the wars until im sure the previous season 1 issues are fixed, which hasn't happened yet.
  6. To all people complaining about not being able to get into a reputable war clan. I merced with clans on the losing side week after week! Didn't give up. Finally caught the eye of someone who respected me while they were beating me down. Most reputable clans are always looking for the next warrior!
  7. Support everything except the red cheese at the end
  8. yes wulf, as a clan is different. If am the super best at EE in all of kaw it makes no difference becuz it takes a clan to win. So what am saying if you not in a good EE clan now, all you can do is join the EEclans in WC whos clan is half inactive and hope for a win. I was so deseperate for EE at one.point Ibuilt 1.5 in towers, but clans made me wait for a war spot because of the range. Juss saying. No need to call names.
  9. I agree wulf. Also all you complaining about not winning... Well in every war someone has to win and someone has to lose. Every clan can't win. You don't need the devs to change the system so your clan can win. How about you change your clan to win? Is that too much work?
  10. Not complaining just making a statement.
    All you can do is change your self. Build and equip wise. Am no clan owner. So dont tell me to change a clan to perform better in EE cuz am no clan owner.
  11. sick of hearing ppl complain about xtals. I've spent way more that ive spent on kaw on even more pointless **** that this game. if you don't have an xtra 20 bucks laying around once in awhile. move out of the basement, get a haircut, and get a real job. or stop being a cheap whiny Bastard.
  12. Who the **** is complaning bro? Calm your ass down and read exactly what i wrote. 20$ is 20$. Its a 9+ game remember that not all people have jobs. Im only 15. Like Eons said, its a gamble. Yeah you dont always win. You gotta lose sometimes, but when your mercing from WC becuz u got no homeclan your chances of losing are high. But unlike others i dont just fill a spot and be greedy and withdraw from using xtals just cuz we gonna lose. I do use them, but it never pays off. Red paladin eb dosent even give full 14 back, i got 10 last time from it. Meaning i got to spend another 4bill for next war, around 5-8 bill for pots. Just saying EE wars are very costy, devs didnt even implement some kind of useful item to replace 1 crystal at least. It may not be anything to others. But your talking about 20$ bro. 20$= 32Xtals. 32xtals= 16 wars (old wars) lets say its a 50, 50 chance. You get 8 wars. 8wars= 400mith.(if getting 50mith for me at least.) It cost 980mith to fully enchant RP breastplate. That means around 50$. You see where am coming from?
  13. Oopos didnt quote you right either. :|
  14. We really need to stop the whining on xstals in EE. The game doesn't run itself. This is 1 element that requires a small commercial contribution. You can enjoy 3 x 1 hour wars for less than the price of a crappy American coffee. Deal with it.
  15. I choose not to deal with it. You act like devs havent made enough to add something to help in EE? There was pre-season, which was couple months long. Then season 1, which was a couple months long. And now trials, then there is gonna be a season 2. But i guess we gotta listen to y'all and not complain and choose to keep buying xtals to get some fake equipment. Thats roughly a 6month trial of EE by the end of Season 2. Like I said its a 9+ game, we cant all pull xtals outta of our ass you know?
  16. not really sure what your wall of text had to do with my post. just saying I'm sick of the whining. if you don't want to spend money to compete, go play another game.
  17. Um, okay. Do you see me on kaw admins posts demanding **** and yelling like a little girl? Am giving my opinion and tbh, even if nothing changes my addiction wont change. And i will continue to buy and war. And i can compete just fine without wasting money, thank you very much.
  18. And like I said, its a 9+ game, to bad they attracted too many adults who dedicate there whole check to war. :lol:
  19. yeah okay, my whole check is 20 bucks...every couple weeks...... jeez. firstly, my post was a general statement. your defensive attitude and overall level of butthurt indicates I touched a sore spot with you. well I'm not sorry and not going to coddle you. GET OVER IT! xtals cost the same for everyone and we all need to buy them for ee. #nofreerides