Kingdoms at ComeOnAndFightYaPansies!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Interesting...Very Interesting...
  2. No money= No xtals
    No xtals= No war

    Only reason I dont war. (Diff account)
  3. As wulf said, I wasn't really clear on my idea. I would like a gem that could be an alternative to spending lots of cash on health crystals. However, this gem should be rather expensive so the devs don't lose their hard earned cash from their efforts, something which is obvious, as they put in a lot of time and effort to do so. What I'm proposing is a way to reduce the cost of daily wars.

    1. The gem should cost around 25 mitherl for a 1 hour war, and be reduced to 20 or 16 each for a 2 hour war. These prices should be able to fluctuate depending on size or daily earnings, but guild hansels will complicate this. It should be based on daily earnings however, so weaker people should be able to buy this crystal at a reduced price to compensate for the lesser earnings.
    2. As wulf suggested, inferno would be rational as well. 2 or 3 inferno for a crystal is rational. However, some people have huge stashes of inferno which would make the system flawed, so a price variation on the gem is practical. The goal is not to eliminate the buying of crystals entirely, but to reduce the cost of warring for many who don't want to spend a large amount of money on crystals. The prices should vary from 2 (1 mil cs) to around 10 for a 8mil cs player, who have probably large stashes of inferno, granting a use for the large stash of inferno. Aqua should not be sold, as you buy health crystals with aqua.
    3. The crystals should only be used in a specific war, purchased ahead of time as well. These should be purchased at the same time, or before you cast wave of conflict. They should be used similar to health crystals, no conflict there.
    4. Anyone should be able to use these, but not in large quantities. If you use them in one war, you shouldn't be able to use it in the next war you cast wave of conflict in. In fact, there should be a lot on the amount of times you do use it, like under 25% for the total of your wars. So, if you fought 8 wars and you used it for 2 wars, you couldn't use it again until the percent of times you used it had gone under 25%.
    5. This is all I can think of now, but if anyone has criticisms with this please reply.
  4. 40-90 mith? I usually get around 115mith
  5. I haven't warred much because of the need for crystals, so my numbers may be off. Sorry
  6. Support for more people warring 32 xstals @ a time like I do...way cheaper (.63¢) or no support for changing to war xstals or whatever ur build Wulf !
  7. I got silenced 2 times I don't get responses when I send feedback
  8. Love the quote in the end! Heard it in a movie i recently watched.
  9. I get your point here Wulf, but my personal opinion (and many of clanmates, and I'm sure many others as well) is that EE wars are lame as ****. I've tried them a few times, on multiple accounts, and win or lose, regardless, I dont have fun. I dont like sitting on my phone for 2 hours at a time, then everything ends and everyone fakes "RESPECT" to eachother for pushing a button, losing NO sleep, and really, the only person who deserves respect is the war commander.

    I always have been, and always will be - a OSW King.

  10. Nice post wulf, though soul touched on the major obstacle; its essentially pay-for-play, and this game is used by a high number of freeplayers. I'm not interested in debating whether players should spend real money on an in-game feature, but this is likely the major constraint for a large number of kawers. You guys have touched on a number of good ideas, but bottom line capture this market, there would have to be a way to substitute real money xtals for some in-game currency.

    BTW...entertaining to see the player who wrote "the book" on ebs, that guide is essentially a 30 page dissertation, needling eb players and imaginary monsters. One of a million great guides you made..but still
  11. I'm all for 2inferno 1aqua for a war gem of sorts. I've been warring since December and have decent mith equipment and nothing to spend my aqua and inferno on now.
  12. 115 minus your initial investment. I was speaking of profit.
  13. Well said wulf
  14. We are not an EB clan
    We are not an EE clan
    We are not an OSW clan
    We are a "screw it do it all" clan.

    Not saying EE should replace OSW. OSW is still, IMO, the most fun you can have in KAW.
    Just saying that after seeing only 30 - 50 clans participating it makes me think many are not trying it out of fear of loss. Simply wanted to encourage more to take part in other aspects of KAW than Epic Battles by pointing out how minimal the costs are.
  15. I like what soul said.

    I will be referring the Devs to his suggestion as well as proposing one of my own.

    Buy EE Gems to regen troops:
    - They can only be used during EE.
    - You can never own more than 2 at a time.
    - They can be bought via 3 methods:
    -- 25 Mithril or
    -- 6 Inferno or
    -- 2 Aqua
    - You cannot use more than 6 a week <<Want to war more than 6 worth you can always buy xtals>>

    I encourage you to all put together your own proposals for improvements to the system that make it more accessible while protecting the developers investment.
  16. Wulf, I think you underestimate one of the guild Hansel advantages in war.
    Because their mith costs much less, and mith rewards are calculated inn gold value of pots used, guild hansels make much more mith per war than you would expect.
    I know some guild hansels with towers who make on average 150 mith profit per war. Much more than the 60 or so you suggest.
  17. Wulf I will repeat.


  18. Bump and support