Kingdoms at cheating the system?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Lormaster, May 26, 2013.

  1. Guild hansels..Some use em to build banks, some use em to take advantage of ee wars. All due to great plunder they earn with this tiny little build. Is that right when players who worked hard for years to hlbc earn nearly as much as build that takes few days to make? i don't think so. I remember when tower build was changed due to being determined to be an exploit. I turned my build around to get tb mechs and was reimbursed when mechs were changed. New tb mechs still don't work in ee sys. If that's how 'exploits' can be treated than why not treat all of them same exact way? Time consuming? I bet. But when we buy xtals and nobs in this 'free' game, we expect it to be continuously worked on. Players kept sending feedbacks and emails - that's exactly what made devs redo tower builds..
  2. @ lormaster it's not taken I to account because u can unequip ur equipment
  3. To the Omet referencing the Vietnam War: the Vietcong were slaughtered by the Americans, via tactics and strategies. America pulled out because the Vietcong simply would not give up.

    I do see your point, though, not a great reference.
  4. I like onions too.
  5. Maybe check your war history ? The Americans only lost due to political correctness What would have happened if they brought china and ussr into the conflict ? China supplying soldiers. Ussr equipment.
    Bomb Beijing and Moscow and you may have had a different outcome
    Also in WWII The Americans had a win at all cost attitude Same attitude applied Different outcome
    America has the most powerful most intelligent military the world has ever known. And could only lose a war by self defeat
    In memory of those who fight Much respect SEMPER FI
  6. Boohoo he has lvl 10 EE gear he worked hard to earn wheres mine i just stepped in and i need some gear like that preseason started a while ago dude if you participated youd have a head start like we did