Kingdom of Snoops: A Proposal to Limit Spy Domination

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. @ Morik, exactlyDon't sleep while spies are lurking and mad at you
  2. @ Phil, maybe those attack builds should reconsider storing all that gold in allies and stuff it in a bank instead. Then we would all be at same level and they can pound away at Hansels without fear. If they want to go on they leader board they should consider strong alliances like Loada and Chongo have. Not many people would think of going there. Isn't that part of the reason MG joined Apoc? To avoid running into ZAFT or iG without enough backup. Just an outsiders point of view. I could be wrong seeing how I'm ignorant.
  3. I recommend Phil to quit this game better. Everything to play to your advantage? There are always pros and cons to every build. Why not we get dev to remove the use of BFA So every players are equal?
  4. Agree with nihaoma.
    Tell u what.
    Phil - go make your own game. Call it "I got it right"
  5. Don't destroy spy builds u just jelly since spy builds cost less
  6. I don't see this huge influx of spies at all. Scroll through the ally lists and the majority are not Spy, they are Attack.

    How could they justify gimping us more? Our pots cost more, our buildings cost more, and we are screwed in plunder during war.

    Without spies all you have is a bunch of meat cleavers swinging without a balance.

    I propose the opposite. Even things up by stopping the unfair bias towards attack builds.
  7. (I was actually able to sit on attack builds coming out of KO with my spy who has 200k attack (has full attack equipment)

    Obviously not an entire clan of spies, but a good spy to attack build mix can make these wars very easy
  8. So I assume you can't put towers on these lands or else spy tower builds will be prevalent. A lot of OSWers give a few lands for towers anyways.

    If so, the spy build will die painfully. It would actually be impossible to get a spy build without getting towers which would just improve the spy versus spy. So this doesn't do a lot anyways unless I just am missing something.
  9. Support Philo! Present this to the devs!
  10. I disagree.
  12. Maybe add something so attack builds can hit both troops and spies
  13.  Kaw handicaps spy builds already.
  14. I do NOT support
  15. Though i agree spies dominate, No more new lands plz 

    There should be a change in mechanism of how they fight each other rather than enforcing only hybrid or attack builds. So that those who prefer spy can remain spy
  16. Look at the lb... Is there a spy in the top 50? 100? 200? There's a reason. Attack build make more grow faster, and have higher stats when build complete. Also they're able to have allies. (Most spy accounts only keep max plunder).

    The only unfair spy build is a guild hansel. Those little bastards make more than everyone, and can't be hit by build complete players. 
  17. Why do you hate kaw
  18.  no support. us hansels are screwed in ee wars. we could steal, but itd be a waste of spies and make terrible $. against attack builds, we cant win attacks, so troops are useless. this leaves assassinate and scout...none of which give plunder (unless you ko). so really, a clan of attack builds have an advantage over a clan of spy builds 