Kingdom of Snoops: A Proposal to Limit Spy Domination

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. personally, while effective, I beleive the hansel is a mistake build that the devs just never bother to correct. You send out a tiny little force that somehow manages to get comparable plunder to the big forces sent out by hitters. Why? Because of all those spies that are sitting around at home? Seems counterintuitive to me. Hansels were a build that explioted the pwar system. EB's corrected this exploit to a point but not entirely.
  2. Stripping sounds boring all team up on weaker players and strip away for weeks months,with ee you either lose or out war opposition on the day fairest way,or u can carry on waiting for people to fall asleep to strip, I'm a newcomer but think ee will eventually show the strongest clans not who has the most Spies or friends
  3. All im gunna say is that if the devs ever change the spy builds like they did tower builds they better as hell compensate us the same way they did the towers.
  4. Instead of nerfing spies think of a way to slightly boost attacks. Thats the best way to go about this. This idea wouldnt work out well.

  5. Actually, I got a separate proposal for this. watch out for a new thread about this to be posted momentarily. :mrgreen:
  6. Lol @ "rescuing atkbuilds from extinction". I would assume that 90% or more of the active accounts in kaw are attackbuilds. Don't know what game you are playing.
  7. All builds have strong and weak points. I've been both with snr and a revhan until they changed the mechs and I prefer hansel. However I see the weaknesses in the build a d if I had any bfa I would probably be attack with a decent spy def actually.

    Btw - aren't your alts in ig spy or have you changed them to attack?
  8. In an EE war with a full clan of hansels and another full of warriors, the hansels will win.

    Assasinations will bring down both warrior's troops and spies level so warriors get KO-ed more easily. The hansels can sit on them for the rest of the war. With the massive bfa from pots and equipments, hansels can quite easily win attack hits on warriors at pin.

    Warriors could SB and bring down the hansels too, but hansels' troops will not be affected as they can be dtw to attacks with 0 gold. Also SB takes longer than assasinations to carry out so warriors will have the disadvantage, assuming fingers are equally fast on both sides.

  9. Actually, contrary to popular belief, I don't have any alts in IG. If I did, I would have more information about their strips. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Also i quite like OP's idea. You can opt to stay as a hansel with smaller stats or go hybrid with max stats so you won't go dtw with 0 gold. Then of course these new buildings should not increase the attack stats TOO MUCH or there would be too much of an imbalance.

    If i'm right the type of build you are depends on the buildings ratio and not stats, so maybe a 1m/1m increase im attack/def stats so that they will not be too strong, and its not too low to deter hansels from converting.
  11. I don't think the devs are as opposed to osw as you make out.

    Firstly, it obviously slows down growth majorly which is great for the devs. If everyone keeps growing and earning money, eventually folks will have so much money they will have little to buy as ally prices will grow so big, which forces the devs to release new content (new lands and buildings) to curb inflation and settle the market whilst giving folks something to strive for.

    Devs cant do this constantly though, you can only introduce content so much, think about t5. They only released it on hl. Ally prices fell drastically and peeps had something to put they money in. Why didn't they release it on lowlands though?

    When people get hlbc and ally prices start getting astronomical again, they release on lowlands, another curb. But what after that? New lands or buildings will be difficult to do as the prices needed for them would reach higher than the price of allies making buildings redundant, peeps will just buy allies untill they too expensive again and the game will break, peeps will leave because theirs nothing to motivate them.

    Secondly, how much money is spent on an osw? Think about all the nobs used to fund strips and all the xtals used to steal. The devs are making money from osw, believe me!
  12. @ rigamortis

    Very well stated and an interesting point. It is indeed debatable about what the devs think about osw. Personally, if it was that profitable, they would have but it into GaW. I also think the amount of players that go inactive or quit during osw counteracts the amount gained in xstals. Look at the loss of 1ATE7 and Os-Ares. Do you think the devs were pleased about losing good customers like that?
  13. Intresting..
    Would be better if it would take a whole bar of assassinations to do lets say about 40% damage to enemy troops, this would encourage spy/hansels to have more attack builds so they are forced to use troops to KO/pin their oppenent if they want to go 1v1 :D
    Or be even better (doubt spies would like this idea) if an oppoenet was DTW for assassination if they had 0 spies. Its more fairer than it sounds, 0 troops=dtw att (benefit to spies), so why not 0 spies=DTW to assassination?
    Or make it that a person is DTW if they have BOTH spies and troops at 0
  14. Btw, being assassinated isnt a bad thing in OSW (i would love if i was assassinated while i was sleeping IF i was in an osw)
    you arent losing any gold (which is practically the osw purpose; make enemy lose money)
  15. Well its a tough one, obviously devs never like to see paying customers leave, but if they got rid of strip mechanics, I'd bet they'd lose far more money than a minority of players who leave due to being stripped.

    Infact I think you would see a mass exodus of players if this happened making devs lose far more than what they do from a few quitters. Strip mechanics/osw is here to stay.
  16. @ philo if hansel is a mistake by dev well heck it's a fine mistake. It's still a v flexible build for all sorts of war. Unlike the twr bld, hansels is a double edged sword, it can gain alot of plunder yet leak like a tap on the wrg and incapable hands

    Do note however, the small little force of hansels managed to hit thru hitters on the condition tat hitters are low trp. U need other hitters or assa to weaken them. And not to mention the 60mil atk advantage from atk pots
  17. How about making it so that attack can't hit hansel or spy? No? I agree stupid idea - just like let's make it harder for spies to hit attack builds lol.

    Folk choose their build based on the pro and cons of each. If spies were so good then why is lb attack dominated. Why are there so many attack builds around?
  18. I respectfully disagree...most of the leader board is dominated by attack builds for a reason...although hansels have some mechanic perks, attack builds can effectively dominate them with scouting and attacks bring in a substantial amount more plunder than the spie's steal mechanic...however a new attack option to kill spies with attack troops would be fair...spies have assassinate there should be an attack version of that as well..but then some nurfing of attack builds would have to happen to accommodate.... .I find that there are alot more attack builds than spy builds in the game...I'm a noob that lacks the experience of the way Kaw was when the hansel boomed during pwars happened but I just speak from my observation of what the game is like as of now : )