Kingdom of Snoops: A Proposal to Limit Spy Domination

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. No support for this thread what so ever.
  2. Unfortunately whatsoever is only one word anarchy.
  3. 
  4. No support since he is w hansel himself
  5. peps don't support this, if this will happe then will be wars only according LB .... now is possible to KO stronger LB players only coz of spy builds .... this is more fun then watching unvulnerable big players who KO spy builds
  6. btw kill spy builds ad then will many ppl left game and there will be only one big alliance (I think all know who...) in kaw like in gaw........
  7. gaw is split into a few alliances all big in thier own right. has nothing to do with this though...
  8.  no support