Kim Davies and lgbt marriage.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Septentrio-, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Only way I see that it applies is saying you can't force religious laws onto people so almost directly opposite of your interpretation.
    She's not being denied the right to practice her religion in any way.
    She's been told he has to abide by the same rules as everyone else that's equality.
  2. Coughzethorcough
  3. The Bible is all lies. Let people marry if they truely love each other. Hell they can lower the national divorce rate, because we all know straight couples don't last. XD
  4. What you're failing to realize is this is about individual rights. I understand you want your individual beliefs to be law. They aren't though. This isn't violating any Christian individual rights.

    You're argument though is I don't agree with it so no one else should be allowed to do it.

    How does it affect your individual freedom if some other two individuals are getting married?

    That being said, if your job says you're supposed to license legally wedded couples then you're supposed to do exactly that. If you refuse to and refuse your office to properly carry out it's job, legally, then you are obstructing the entire legal process.
  5. -WinterKnight-, that's the part where that aspect of religion against same-sex marriage and LGBT sexuality completely comes into conflict with the law as it is interpreted.

    Sure, people can "practice their religion," but...


    That confrontation between religious beliefs and government duties is why it's getting so much press.

    That's why it's being made so controversial.

    At least for people who are non-Christian, they think it's simple and that those who are sworn to government duty should adhere to the rule of law.

    Christians are in a mind set of narrowness, they only follow one path and that's what they refer to as "one way" with God, their "almighty savior."

    It's either obey their scripture which is the Bible or be condemned to 'hell'.

    I know I'm "condemned to hell" as defined by many Christians. But they're all hypocrites. How can they live the way they do in this world and still think they're 'saved' or whatever?

    Everyone should live by law and reason, not by belief.

    Hell, a kid could believe that Santa exists, but his crummy older brother could tell him Santa doesn't exist.

    Go to any elementary school, listen to what kids talk about. They believe in dumb things! Why? Because they're kids, they're innocent!

    But when you continue holding the same dumb beliefs into adulthood and start causing trouble when you collide with other people, that's when it becomes dangerous.

    Religion is a dangerous idea.
  6. Exactly. I hope she gets prison time and looses her job.
  7. This.
  8. Separation of church and state

    Nuff sed
  9. ✔✔✔✔
  10. Couldn't agree more
  11. Yes.... Well, yes and no.
    Fire can be used for good. It can cook our food and warm our house in winter (essential in Canada)
    Fire can also burn your house down and be used to hurt others (arson being s prime example)

    Like fire, religion can be used for good or harm. It all depends on who is wielding it.
  12. Although I know Americans are keen on seperation of church and state (which they should be) are they aware of where that phrase comes from and what it's context was?
  13. Baptists in Virginia circa 1786(?). They wanted recognition and equality amongst the states religion. The name of the act is skipping me but know it was then and there.
  14. Religion cannot be used for good at all.

    Although I may be deeply pessimistic, I've gone to church my entire life and I'm pretty sure I know what good religion is for.

    I've gone to church retreats, seminary conferences, seminary classes, church picnics, church lock-ins, church sleepovers, church flyer handout events, church sing-alongs...

    Those are what come off the top of my head.

    They're irrelevant to the point I want to make though.

    You're right, Moose, religion is like fire- it can be used for good or bad. Clever analogy.

    But here comes the part where religion in all of its uses is always harmful.

    Religion plants ideas into people's minds, one by one, until they change their behavior patterns.

    THAT is the rooted problem of religion.

    Religion is so systematic and prevalent throughout the world because of the way that it spreads from one person to another.

    Almost like a disease. Well, not a disease at all. I don't want to categorize it as a mental illness, that's just plain wrong.

    One's spirituality shouldn't have to be systematic and structured in such a way that religion is.

    Want to know something interesting?

    Religion sprang up into the way that it exists and has existed throughout history from the way that dreamers looked at the houses they lived in or were building.

    In essence, religion serves as a home that people feel they belong to.

    That's their psychological desire- to belong to something.

    But religion is the wrong thing to belong to.

    Because of localized division between religious followers, there is the potential for cults to form.

    Cults are dangerous.

    We've seen the damage that has been caused when federal officials clashed with certain cults.

    Hence why IMO, religion is a dangerous idea.
  15. Bump
  16. Pineapple: I've watched you post on various threads for a while now. I like you. You're a good forummer who is both respectful and thoughtful. I give you props for that. Due to time constraints, I will only pick out one part of your post for discussion, although there is more I could draw from. Anyhow, for now, I will address this point.
    As people every interaction we have plants ideas in people's minds and changes their behavior. This isn't limited to religion. The Internet, printing press and social interactions are the main culprits here.

    What's important isn't that people are getting new ideas and are changing their behaviors. What is more important is WHAT ideas are people getting and HOW are they changing their behaviors. To say that religion gives people bad ideas and changes their behaviors for the worse is to paint with too broad a brush.

    Your post deserves the respect of a more through reply than I can give via text here, but, if you have 13 min, I will refer you to my absolute favorite internet presence (inspiringphilosophy) via this video link, which consequently deals with EXACTLY what you're talking about.

    I'd love your critique on it ;-). Anyhow, I'm only posting it as the door to religion has been opened on this thread and this video is pertinent to your commentary.
  17. Edit: I was pondering whether to post this or not. Sorry Moose, I didn't mean to skip over your post. I'll take a look. Pardon me, I will be underground for a bit.

    2nd edit: I copy and pasted the link into plain text and then copy and pasted the link again into a browser while running a proxy.

    I was just immediately turned off by the ridiculous video title and like-dislike ratio. No offense.


    So I read Zeth's posts again... Just the ones from pages 1-4, not ALL OF THEM.

    Judging by those posts, it doesn't seem to me that he's homophobic. He stated that he was "against gay marriage", amongst other things which supported his stance.

    Also, as Moose pointed out, phobia is intense fear or hatred of someone.

    I've rarely seen a case of real phobia in these forums; the only time I've seen that was when ZAFT and APOC were raging at each other a few years ago.

    Lol, I only tease.
  18. I would have to agree with pineapple. Yea there are good aspects of religion, but that doesn't make the rest okay. Once you tell a child you have to do this and not do this otherwise you are betraying god and will burn in hell forever I'm not okay with it. I grew up in a religious town and I didn't see much peace and understanding. I saw judgement, hate, scare tactics, and mob mentality. Yes, we are all biased. We pick up things around us our entire lives. But to brainwash a kid from the time they're a child to believe in something isn't okay.
  19. Yes a phobia is an intense fear of something. But that's being pedantic. Homophobia implies negative attitudes towards gay people. I think it has become way to much of a buzzword instead of actually implying hate.
  20. Do your damn job.

    She allows divorce and that is a major sin.

    So I'm glad her ass is in jail. She should have quit if she didn't like the law she had to uphold.