Kim Davies and lgbt marriage.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Septentrio-, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Your*
    Delete comma and the 'ever'
    "In any country" is okay; it emphasizes the previous sentence

    Edit: Holy shish kebabs, I'm sorry, didn't realize what I was doing. I just like correcting things and I think this time I was doing them physically on my phone.
  2. Fear or hatred of something dumb moose
  3. It is her job. She should be sent to court. If she worked in a lollipop store and a LGBT couple came in and she wouldn't serve them just because they are LGBT that's messed up. It's her job. Either she does her job without discrimination or she should quit because she is unable to do her job. She is just dumb and finding excuses for herself. Honestly she needs to grow up and realize that you have that job for a reason. To serve everyone equally no matter what.

  4. Don't know what you're talking about mate 
  5. Fear or hatred you imbecile. Check the dictionary
  6. I didn't refer to anyone as homophobic I corrected moose on the definition. Read before you post your dross pineapple
  7. You stated that you had a hard time reading the homophobic comments on this thread.

    Homophobic comments made by a person makes that person become viewed as homophobic by others.

    So yes, I re-read what you posted as well as what I posted and I stand by my "dross" as you referred to it.
  8. Re check harder next time. Rayquaza posted that not me. Moose quoted him on the previous page

    Nice broken sword it matches how slow you are
  9. Moose i like the way that the word homophobia dehumanises people that are homophobic. It makes them look like cowards that cant empathise which is exactly what they are. In my opinion at least.
  11. Yep. That was me. Not Jupiter.
  12. Damn, kill em.

  13. I actually didn't recheck at all.
  14. But then my post would be addressed to Rayquaza, not _Jupiter
  15. :lol: at least youre honest and not just an idiotxD
  16. Why do you think I'm an idiot?
  17. Is it because you think I don't agree with you or because I've said things that you are against?
  18. If you were asking if I was refering to you as homophobic the answer is no. You are not. It was someone else commenting on the thread