Kim Davies and lgbt marriage.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Septentrio-, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. It's nice to see that truly religious people understand that this isn't about religion at all. The people that are supporting Ms.Davies aren't doing so in the name of religion, but rather because of their hatred or fear of gay people. To demonstrate, let's change one word in this scenario (and her name to differentiate).

    Dim Kavies is a County Clerk who refuses to issue, or allow anyone on her staff to issue, gun licenses, even to qualified persons. She states it is because of her deeply religious beliefs. When qualified individuals seek to obtain a gun license, she tells them god said "thou shalt not kill", and refuses to issue any gun licenses.

    She was told she must issue gun licenses because the people had a Constitutional right to bear arms. She refused to do so, and refused any compromise that would have allowed someone else in her office to issue them. She felt so strongly about this that instead of resigning, she fought the rule all the way to the Supreme Court, which refused to hear her case because they found no merit in her argument.

    After exhausting her legal fight against the law of the land, and losing, she returned to her Clerk position. Dim Kavies still refused to comply with the law and issue gun licenses, and also refused to resign in the name of her religious beliefs. Instead, Dim Kavies argued that despite the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States rulings, she reported to a higher power that forbade her to issue gun licenses.

    In the meanwhile, people who were legally entitled to purchase guns in her county, could not.

    For refusing to allow people to exercise their Constitutional rights, despite being in a position where it was her sworn duty to do so, Dim Kavies was found in contempt of court, and sent to jail until she would comply.

    Now who wants to step up and claim she is being persecuted for her religious beliefs? Now who wants to claim she is a martyr? Now who claims the Supreme Court doesn't have the authority on the Constitution in this matter? Even people who dislike guns would not support her, because they can't justify her actions.

    At this point, through the simple change of the type of license, it becomes clear that this is not about religion, religious beliefs, or religious oppression in any way, but only about bigots who hate or fear gay people, using any reason to try to force their will on others.

  2. My ass.

    The constitution isn't "FILLED to the brim" with religious beliefs and statements. It doesn't even mention God or Jesus. It does quite clearly say though "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." And on the contrary, a large portion of the signers and authors weren't Christians. They were Deists.

    While we're on the subject, you seem confused about what marriage really is in America. It's a not a religious union. It's a civil one. The church doesn't grant you a license to marry, the government does. Persons of any faith or no faith at all can can marry without ever having involved a church. Same goes for dissolving a marriage. The state does that, not the church. If conservatives like you actually knew what was in and not in the Constitution, and how things really work, you might not wet your pants all the time over stuff like this.

    As for Kim Davis, she's a flipping hypocrite who picks and chooses what parts of the bible she want to follow like many religious people do. Davis committed adultery. She got pregnant by husband number #3 while she was still married to husband #1. According to her God's law, she should have been stoned to death, along with husband #3. Instead, she's busy trying to use her taxpayer funded $80,000 government job to push her morality on everyone else.

    Lastly, it seems many Christians are confused about what persecution really is. Here's a tip. It's not Kim Davis being jailed for contempt of court. It's what Christians have been doing to the LBGT community for decades. Denying them the same rights as others and even criminalizing their behavior whether it was in public or in the privacy of their homes.
  3. Here's an example of how flipping clueless these religious fanatics are:

    "They have illegally put my wife in jail so we’re gonna ask (Kentucky Governor Steve] Beshear to do his job or step down" - Joe Davis, second and fourth husband to Kim Davis ... be51bb305a

    There's no nice way to say it. These people are idiots.
  4. I mentioned this before. After Loving v. Virginia, bigots used religion and alleged state laws to continue to deny marriage licenses to interracial couples. Today, we look at their bigotry with scorn and derision. Only certain unnamable groups still support those bigoted beliefs, and they are universally condemned as racists or bigots, even by people like Ms. Davis, who would insist that racism has no place in Christianity.

    In the not-to-distant future, the people who feel religiously justified in persecuting the LGBT community, will also be cast out and scorned, especially by what they would have considered their own religious community.

    History repeats itself, especially when people refuse to learn from it. Those who use religion to justify persecution and hatred were wrong then, and they are wrong now. Ms.Davis's place will be secured in history as a bigot, and in time, the only people that will support her view of religion will be the same fanatics who still fight interracial marriage. ... -virginia/
  5. In other news the Westboro Baptist Church has announced they will protest Kim Davis because her multiple divorces gave way for gay marriage. (True story)

    Or as they put it...
    Christ: "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery:... Luke16:18"

    Edit: You guys call them nuts but they are frequently more honest with Christianity and it's extremities than most of you are.

    Edit: I have nothing against Christians. I have everything against people taking their religion outside of their homes and Churches and forcing it on others in other aspects of their lives.
  6. I went to Walmart today. Register 7 said she couldn't sell me condoms because she was Christian. Went to Register 8. She couldn't sell me Ham cause she was Muslim. :'(
  7. If she had been a Muslim, nothing would have happened, it wouldn't even made the news......
  8. Actually, just the opposite. If she had been using a government position to impose muslim beliefs on people, all these people that support her now would have been the first in line with pitchforks screaming for her to be jailed.

    We wouldn't hear any talk about the persecution of religious beliefs, we would hear paranoid accusations that Sharia law was taking over the country.

    I just feel bad for the true Christians who can no longer profess their beliefs without having to say "but, I'm not like those lunatics."
  9. Doesn't congress make laws that the Supreme Court has to rule on kinda like states saying pot is legal but federal gov saying it's not so no law is in place saying same sex couples can be married

    Just because the court says it's ok does not make it law right since the court can not make laws that govern the United States with out congresses approval

    Hmm I say her religious rights were violated which goes against the law
  10. She is a Democrat who got paid to sit in jail. The only way she can lose her job is through election or impeachment.

    The debate goes on...They will argue the religious freedoms act. I'm curious how it will play out. Rand Paul the senator from Kentucky is taking up the cause. I'll watch.
  11. I can get paid for that? Brb guise gonna go crash gay weddings yelling "I object for Jesus"
  12. Kim Davis has been married 4 times and divorced 3 times. She became pregnant with another man's twin babies while she was married the first time. But now she chooses to preach about her religious beliefs?! Christianity denounces divorce and adultery. Where were her beliefs then?

    She's nothing more than a publicity seeker. Worse than that, she's a Bible cherry picker. Either believe and preach the whole bible, or none of it. You can't pick and choose which parts of the word of God you want to embrace.
  13. She gets her salary for setting in jail. She is a elected official of the Democratic Party. She answers to her electorate ultimately. I haven't seen anyone say this, but...political prisoner?
  14. Shhh
    Say it here and it will actually happen.
  15. She's not being jailed for her political beliefs, she's being jailed due to being in contempt of court. Technically you could make the argument that she's a political prisoner, but it'd be more accurate to say she's in an asylum to protect herself from the mean old outside world, where her fantasy of being the most important person in the world could be shattered

  16. That hasn't been determined yet. You are jumping the gun. It's more political opinion than official legalities at this point. Issuing marriage licenses is less than 1% of what she does.

    This is what will be argued. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT.

    Her contempt of court could be viewed as a form political imprisonment.

    Political prisoner - someone imprisoned because they have opposed or criticized the government responsible.

    A person who has been imprisoned, detained, or otherwise isolated for involvement in political activity

    Someone who is imprisoned because of their political views.

    Religious views can be political IMO. You can disagree. I won't agrue against you. The lawyers, politicians, and courts will work it out. So everyone's rights are respected. I do believe that. The rest is political activism.
  17. Time for a repeated American civics lesson. The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land. When there is a discrepancy between a State constitution and the U.S. Constitution, in an area of law where both are operational, the U.S. Constitution is controlling law. This is why people refer to the U.S. Constitution when talking about their rights as citizens.

    For example, whenever someone wants to challenge laws regulating guns, they file a claim under the U.S. Constitution, and not under their state laws which may have been far more restrictive. Because of Supreme Court opinions like Heller in 2008, state laws regarding guns must give way to Federal standards. Many people disagree with those opinions, but no State, or agent of the State, may take it upon themselves to decide to ignore the Constitution in favor of their own State views or laws. In other words, we can't simply pick and choose the laws we agree with.

    Similarly, once the Supreme Court decided Obergefell, no state constitution provision disagreeing with that ruling can be enforced. In other words, an oath to uphold the Kentucky Constitution, is to also uphold the U.S. Constitution, including where the U.S. Constitution has overruled and negated provisions of the Kentucky Constitution.

    Ms. Davies violated her oath to obey the Constitution, and the law of the land. She refuses to abide by the law and perform her duties as a County Clerk. She had no argument on religious grounds. She should resign or be removed.
  18. ^ opinion. That is important for all people to understand. It's not settled for it to be otherwise.

    Her less than 1% duty that has a legal solution.

    ^ That's not opinion.

    On top of all that the publics opinion will be trumped by the law. So it is a worthless endeavor. The judges won't be persuaded by popular opinion, nor will the lawyers. The politicians are. Big difference. It's a purely political campaigning to pander to base voters.
  19. Hydra if it's an option to follow the constitution based on someone's opinion then how exactly do you think the USA will survive ?
    If this had been a devout Muslim refusing to sign the license I suspect many crying for religious freedom would be howling that sharia law must not be allowed in the USA. You can't have it both ways if you want religious faith as the final measure of laws you have a theocracy not a republic.

    The Supreme Court judgement was pretty clear kim Davis wasn't following that judgement and then was preventing others from doing so. She went to jail because she refused to follow a court order and was held to be in contempt of court.
  20. It's opinion because there is still a legal process that is going to happen. End of story.

    Say what you what it won't stop the process. Talk away. It means nothing.

    So yeah boys...welcome to bull hockey propaganda. They think they are the law and they are just ill informed posters reading off script.