marriage is completely a religious thing wow i did say she also is comanded by the bible to abide by the laws of the land. She has no religious standing really. But it dont mean its right for the supreame cort to change the definition of marriage
How is marriage religious? It was adopted by the papacy in the twelfth century. I has had various forms for thousands of years. A long LONG time before Jesus / Christianity came into being
Common conceptions. Gay marriage opens the gateway to beastiality marriage, pedophiliac marriage, incestual marriage, and polygamistic marriage. 1. Animals and inanimate objects CAN NOT legally sign a marriage license. Sorry but if you want to do that, move to France. I hear a woman married a rock there. And the Eiffel Tower too. 2. Pedophilia is an actual disorder. You know why? Because they are not yet at the legal age of consent and you hitting on them/sex with them is exploiting that. 3. ****** and polygamy have already been fought and lost for. In fact some Christian, and Jewish groups advocate for polygamy and ******. In the bible ****** was more common than a scripture describing Jesus' footwear. So sorry boys and girls. Apparently straight bible thumpers forget that, you know, I guess Adam and Eve's children kinda had intercourse with each other to move on. Not that it's right or even morally right. Legal gay marriage is when 2 consenting same sex individuals of legal age form a union that is not religious if they so choose it to not be.
Last I checked that book was at best written 2000 years ago, marriage has existed in different forms for around 20,000 years. Which was first?
If marriage was a religious Union, it would not be recognised by the government and you would not get the benefits. Last time I heard the USA does not read the bible in order to find and make laws. If that were true, my polyester and cotton mixed Michael Jackson concert shirt would've gotten me thrown in jail since, you know, 2 fabrics can't mix in the bible.
new testiment was 2000 years ago jeees go to school and dont do drugs for the cheap seats, the old testiment is jewish dating well technically to adam and eve, christianity is the belief in Christ, which under jewish law you had to sacrifice animals to to cover up sins, Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for all mankinds sins to replace the old laws of the Jews, and since his sacrifice was pure, it has the ability to completely wash away sin from the soul as the blood from the animal sacrifices that were not pure could only cover over the sins staining the soul. now if you want to go further, with muslims, Muhamad was the massiah that Jesus is to the Cristians. but its all based on the old testiment of the Jewish god, the jews are still waiting for the massiah as is prophesised to come
See this is the problem with people like you. You want government to rule over it all, when originally, and I might add, intentionally, it was designed so that the state government decided it's own laws. Then, big governor got involved in everything from marriage, to agricultural regulations, and rendered the state rights null and void. The Federal Goverment won't stop until it is the de facto be all and end all. Not if it keeps going the way it is. People have a sovereign right to state independence. But it hasn't been much the same since it became "The United States" instead of "These United States." The federal Goverment wants no separation. But the separation of Federal and State Goverment is pretty much universally a good thing.
exactly, the states are supposed to be soverien, fed is only to control like the army that is best run as a colective.
This wasn't in her job description prior to the ruling. She worked there long before the ruling on gay marriage was put into law. If it's against her religious belief, than by signing, stamping her approval onto a legal paper.... Which in effect is legally "binding" a couple to marriage, she is in effect putting her person, her signature, on a form so they can be married by a judge, a priest, or anyone who performs the actual ceremony. Since she was employed there prior to the law changing, I believe she does have a right to simply refuse signing the document, just as much as it's LGBT people's right to want to get married. Most religions not only reject gay lifestyle, many, such as Muslim religious beliefs, call for execution in horrific ways. Here's the deal with this.... We've all been force fed to pander to the liberal left, and forcing one side's beliefs on the population as a whole. No , and I repeat, NO arrest warrant should have been issued. This problem could have been instantly solved by the county calling a neighboring county's Clerk, and ask them to sign the document. At what point can you impose on one's religious beliefs, to stomp on their religion, and force them to sign a document they are not morally comfortable signing?!?! They have now opened themselves up to a massive lawsuit, by ordering someone, under penalty of arrest, trashing her name nationwide, destroying her reputation so she may not be able to work ever again in her profession, only to sign a paper stamping her approval on something she was morally against and a law that didn't exist in her job function prior to the new law. The judge who issued the arrest warrant in fact needs to be punished severely for ruling against religious belief, and slander, libel as well as deep personal damage done to this woman. This has nothing to do with LGBT rights, but the complete violation of one woman's religious beliefs and she was heavily persecuted for it.
all they have to do is call the lazy lawmakers back and settle it so she dont have to authorize it, bam done everyone is happy
Except the gay people. Because that evil lady doesn't go away for good. They could have easily gone elsewhere, and they went there knowing she disagreed.
Everyone isn't happy... They've nationally TRASHED this woman's reputation, name and her ability to now be hired. You can't "un-trash" a reputation... This lady is now HATED nationwide by many in the LGBT community, and companies would be frightened to hire her as she may be another liability. Trust me.... Nobody will be "happy" by a judge just fixing something. He already broke it.
Did your family enjoy segregation? Because that was something that was left to the states until the 1964 ruling banning public segregation. People freaked out about it too. Used bible verses to prevent the bill from passing. But you know, just like the bible and equality, we pick and choose what we want to accept.
Same Zeth. That would of made a lot of sense poppa. You guys are aware of where the saying tying the knot comes from? It's pagan, (which origins predate the abrahamic religions by roughly 2000 years) it's a symbol o a union between two people.
This should have been left completely alone . The LGBT community could already get married. They could already go through a ceremony. The government approved it??? Who the hell says that the government should approve ANYTHING involving any couple? They government stamped their approval on it... That is absolutely TOO much rights for a government to have. Marriage, or a bond between two people should be between those two people, and those two people alone. The government has ZERO right to stamp their approval on anyone's natural born right to happiness. The LGBT community was jovial and celebrating the government stamping their OK on this bond, when in fact, all that happened were more rights stripped away. The government needs to stay out of all matters concerning natural born rights. I personally don't care if a minister is marrying a llama, the government has ZERO say in who can be with who and what makes someone happy. This LGBT ruling was a major blow to people as a whole, it should not have been celebrated, people should have mourned .
some people will never accept it, its the wsy it is. Dont make it right, but not driving 30 minutes to another county but spend months sueing to force Kim to do somethong against her beliefs is just a tragedy. If you want it changed, she is an elected official, vote her out next election.