Kim Davies and lgbt marriage.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Septentrio-, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. I'm only states parts of what the bibles saying I didn't say I believe or follow it all only states is sayings it all wrong.
  2. So you don't have a gf. People called u gay and now you're lashing out. Ah I see

  3. Not sure if clarified yet...

    phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.
  4. I'm sure you looked that up on Wikipedia. Why don't you look up homophobia on Wikipedia as well. Well, homophobia or negativity and hate towards homosexuals is recognised as irrational as well so.....
  5. Actually used a credible source for that......but wiki said the same thing sooooo...

    And the original statement was thay the word phobia meant fear or hatred. That's where I was correcting. No where did I define homophobia
  6. Homophobia can extend its definition to describe people who just dislike homosexuals.

    Just like how people use the word 'curious' in different contexts.

    It could be used to refer to something that is rather iffy or someone who's rather strange as well as its most used definition- wanting to know about something for the sake of simply knowing.
  7. Spock we know what phobia means but homophobia is different word with a different meaning. Imagine that

    English oxford dictionary meaning- Dislike of or a prejudice against homosexual people.

    And on the subject of Wikipedia you obviously didn't check it as it states homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuals. It can be expressed as antipathy contempt prejudice aversion or hatred

    You don't what you're talking about you're simply sticking up for your mod bud

    Edit don't backtrack now by editing your post I was correcting moose on the definition of homophobia that's obvious so your point about defining phobia is invalid as the discussion was the definition of homophobia
  8. Better?
    :lol: but back to the argument.
  9. Why does everyone seem to have this ridiculous notion that the church invented marriage?
  10. Nobody has that idea.

  11. Then why on earth are they being crossed?

    Marriage was around a LONG time before the Christian church, and they didn't decide it was holy it until the 12th century.

    Her religious views are unimportant in this context.
  12. Her oath is even if you think her views aren't.
    She swore an oath to both the us constitution and the Kentucky one.
    The Kentucky one states that marriage is between a man and woman. Done. Full dead stop.
  13. So which did she swear an oath to? State or US?

    does federal law not overwrite state law?

    If state law overrides federal law when will that change?

    What happens if they allow state law to overrule federal law in this instance?

    I was user the impression the USA was a country? How is it possibly fair that someone can be married in one state, yet in a different state in the same country they're not legally wed?
  14. Also to take into account:

    The supremacy clause and the fourteenth amendment to the US constitution:

    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."

    So religiously, marriage isn't holy, it's roots go far beyond religion and spirituality.

    Federal law trumps state law based on the supremacy clause

    And finally as citizens of the United States of America same sex couples are entitled to be married, therefore she is also breaching the fourteenth amendment
  15. Simply a joke that bible thumpers play judge. Keep it private n spare us their opinions.
  16. i have this affection for my phone, i want to get married to it, and of course gain the tax benefits of being married. Because the rules of mariage have been changed for one, it violates my civil rights to not be allowed to marry my phone. Or in some peoples cases thier animals.

    Because the bible says marriage is between man and woman, she is within her realm to be against it, she must have missed the part abput abideing by the laws of the land also.

    What most want is civil unions so such things as custody, inheritance, insurance and so forth they are treated under the law as a married couple. Many gay dont even want marriage to be legal. Just the civil union of it so the laws apply to them as a couple.

    Kim has a right to not put her athority on gay marriage as going against her beliefs, its kind of like making Jewish eat pork, there is nothing wrong with eating pork so you need to do it or go to jail.

    There is too much forcing things on others as being a part of your rights. All those people could have gone to the next county and got a marriage licsence, but no we need to put someone in jail just so we get our way.

    Its a very sad state of america atm.

    Now off to find a nice wedding dress for my phone....
  17. I guess I'm more impressed you got your phone to legally sign a marriage license. Wow.

    On the other hand, people who hold this viewpoint, that she should not be punished are delusional I guess.
  18. Why should they have to go to another county?

    Like I said, marriage is not a religious thing. She has no right to refuse marriage based on religion. She has no right to break the supremacy clause nor the fourteenth amendment.

    I believe people have been brainwashed, if I worked in a book store could I refuse to sell copies of religious books? No. I couldn't. That would be ridiculous, yet she feels entitled to do exactly the same thing.