Kill SH and you kill the game.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Disputable, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. Now that is a good simile Vulture.

    And hulk, enjoy your ban.
  2. Theres a forum to know that hulk, and as kaw_admin said on one of his threads, devs likes the players to be creatives with the builds, but some players dont seem fair one 2 week build can win a 2 year one.
  3. Sh haven't been nerfed. GDS, SotUW, WWRPU, all still use sh and mids and bigs and ps for the primal wars and still maintain a winning record. There is a lot more variety in primals. The problem with sh is that they make way more than they give. That is why people hate them. They are an exploit. Simple as that.
  4. Get over your sh ness they put round war back in already damn.
  5. Green and Maroon, you bring up fair points, but those comments by themselves just show how flawed the system is. There have been countless suggestions made by forumers that would fix all these problems. Every build should be able to war. The war type shouldn't have to make a difference. (Such as primal favoring tanks and ps, round wars favoring SH. All war types should support all builds.)
  6. Another statless alt. Sh stacking was used so lb and large builds can get an easy match. Because they match a smaller clan. They are what killed most mid sized war clans. Sh is the problem and deve have already stated in the past they are. Anyone saying otherwise is just trying to justify there actions. Why they have came out with individual wars and primal
  7. Every build can war. What I'm hearing is that a sh who spent several trill on bfa is worth less than the other builds who spent several trill on cs.
  8. Which therefore kill any chances for smaller players to war because they need a 7tril build to have a chance at winning in Primal wars.
    Is that right, cloud? Is that what you're trying to tell me? If so, then you didn't read the thread.
  9. So what. Everyone just be the build you like and don't worry about what others do.
  10. Criminal... The "SH" I'm using is a new player, 5 months old - no bfa.
    He's had tutoring in the game, so knows how it works.
    He can war with an SH build.
    Take away the SH build's functionality, and he can't war until he gets trillions more to become a PS or Tank.
  11. No they don't need 7t to war there are alot of sh who have large bfa who dropped build to war. The simple fix to allow smaller player to war is to increase more clans warring. Like most players I have investment time and work into my build. New players should war in smaller clan vs clan. Like what happens in individual wars
  12. Stat less alt.... Sick
  13. Its way easier and cheaper to get hlbc than when I did it. We didn't have hte and revenge.
  14. Which shows, cloud, that the devs need to revamp the system completely.

    @anubis- truthful.
    That's what you were going to say, right?
  15. The idea was always dont become a mid. Most found out to save up for a large conversion at the sametime but most people get stuck in the middle. Nerfing the sh was a mistake it only created even more sh who dont get the benefit of easy growth the gh had. To each his own imo
  16. And yet it's hard to get into an HTE clan if you don't pay.
  17. As you see, vulture, nerfing SH is an idiotic idea. The devs should stop listening to the few loud people on the forums who argue more then everyone else.
  18. Using 3/4 of your roster as sh there is where the problem that causes the mismatch. No one would have a problem if used a few sh but when u cast the majority sh rest bc and lb players that caused the problem
  19. Agree cloud but to say sh with a lot of bfa/bfe have not spent as much or more time into their build is being stupid. I've invested time and money just as u have.
  20. If it took 5 months to "build" a SH then your doing it wrong. And need to find another game.
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