Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 5 Events and Equipment

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kezzer, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    I know :D also are you any more sober yet? :lol:
  2. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Not yet hahaa see u in the morning lol
  3. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Loyalty used to be huge in KaW.. I still expect it in my clan from our members, but it's proved to be a hard task to retain loyal players now-a-days. Everybody wants to come for epic battles and HTE but leaves when an epic battle they dislike is being run or even worse, leaves when some petty pvp action begins or we jump into osw. It kills me to see this happen.
  4. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    Where is your proof?
    Blanket statement PvP ppl hit alts n OSF for top rewards is nonsense. Anyone can make up or repeat old complaints. I don't doubt some do but u make it sound like its a rampant problem with no proof.
  5. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    There are two types of loyalty in KaW:

    Loyalty to self
    Loyalty to clan

    I don't blame those whom look out for themselves. Is this division ruining the game? I don't know. Mainly because HTE was to be a treat.
  6. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Very true. Maybe clans don't have the same affect on self preservation and one's ability to excel anymore.
  7. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    I am so glad you chose this topic this week Kezzer!

    I remember when I started KaW. People still left their family clans, but it tended to be because of disagreement, play style or outgrowing them. With HTE, I believe, we now see richer players congregating in loyaltyless clans in order to power-boost.

    Aside from the line this draws between spending and non-spending players, I feel it encourages the breakdown of clan loyalty because it promotes an individualistic and economically-tied approach to gaming. KaW has always sold itself on the social aspect and strength of the community.

    When we draw a line between rich and poor, not only do we stratify the online community and introduce a class system, we also degrade the strength of clan loyalty along those same lines, as spending players will sometimes value cost-benefit of seals above social community ties.

    So that's why I feel clan loyalty was stronger/purer before HTE.

  8. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Great response Daph :) HTE is a recurring thing that pops up in discussions in this community because it has had such a huge impact on the community (both positive and negative.)

    As you said the social aspect is what sells the game yet many people are happy to leave all their friends behind in order to get a massive boost. Now with HTE I believe if you leave your clan once in a while for war or HTE with the sole purpose of furthering yourself but you have the intention to return then that is not an issue. The main issue comes down to people who leave after receiving a seal drop within that clan and just metaphorically stab your clan in the back. A bought seal is down to the holders choice but it is always nice to see clans sticking together.
  9. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    hi Kezzer i think we should be able to turn on buzzer alerts for allie chat and clanchat so that if any important messages get written there and we not on kaw wed be alerted by a noise telling us.
  10. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 5 Events

    Events and Equipment

    This weeks topic is a highly important topic to me and many other players who war on a regular basis. A lot of players feel that war equipment is constantly being undermined by the constant flow of event equipment. Currently most event equipment trumps S1 and S2 war equipment by a good chunk with a lot of S3 equipment being near useless too. It feels like the devs are personally trying to push the wars out and make events the new thing to work towards.

    Events are a great way for the devs to earn money as we all know this is a business but surely they can find a way to earn money with events without making overly powerful equipment the reward? I will list a few things below that devs can use instead of overly powerful equipment.

    Bronze bars - Although they increase the inflation of gold in the game are a far more fair way to reward players as anyone can earn gold however these guys who did better in the event get a slight boost.

    Special pots - Not overly powerful pots but decent enough to give the user a slight advantage in a couple wars or OSW. Would be a nice little edition as this wouldn't be hard to add in to the game either as we have seen with special event pots in the past.

    Special event versions of EB equipment - Hear me out on this one. There are phases in epic battles that require specific equipment to be equipped however the stats on a lot of these pretty much suck. Why not release pieces of equipment that are decent stat wise (lower than war sets) but have uses in epic battles such as TSG's boreal worm phase. The bracer required for that is pretty nice already but imagine if it had a bit more power behind it. It wouldn't be better than war equipment or too overpowered but would be highly useful for that specific part as well as a useful edition for those who don't have decent equipment there already.

    So what does the community have to say about this?

  11. Season EQ is basically 6months (guess) in front of event EQ. As event EQ gets better so does the next season's EQ. Personally I like this idea because it means everyone has to continue to work to stay the best an cannot dominate with old EE EQ. At least I expect S5 to have better EQ.

    It also balances out because not everyone enjoys system wars. I personally find them very tedious boring and a chore to do.

    I like your idea of alternative rewards and I like how they are limited edition and not permanent items. The pot idea sounds good indeed. Help stop the gaps between LB and everyone else.