kaws oldest active players

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imajica-mw, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. I have the 2 year Kawmunity badge but been playing since the end of S1.
  2. 6-7 years of consistent, let me say that again, CONSISTENT playing this game is indeed an accomplishment.

    3.2 years for me. Eh...

    Happy KAW'ing all 
  3. I quit for awhile but I'm playing again. I forget when I started but it was like 6-7 years ago FoD and stuff like the abyssal blade were the best equipment you could get at the time lol. I quit shortly after EE wars came about and then started back up a couple weeks ago. Happy KaWing guys
  4. 6-7 years ago were pwar/pre-pwar days. Fod was 2012ish
  5. I have the 5 year Kawmunity badge
  6. Thanks for the recognition guys. Y'all are great friends 
  7. Well this guy sure thinks a lot of himself. .....idiot
  8. Some original players have given their accounts away. I'm still the original owner and still active for 6 years. Originally from 'Disciples of the Shadow' - DoS Clan ?. ️
  9. Almost 1 year 
  10. 7 year badge due in 3 months- that's it. KAW is not what it was.
  11. I've been around since the beginning of PWars, miss those days, used to have friendly wars to make friends. Miss those times. Shame it'll never be like that again
    MW_Reyna likes this.
  12. Got my 5 year badge on two accounts the moment I logged in after a 1.5-2 year break, so I highly doubt that was the exact moment I had 5 years on this game, but I don't kniw the exact date, somewhere between 5 and 6 years, the noob that I am
  13. It's been six years about a month ago. Holy moly. And my stats are still rubbish.
  14. Wow people have been playing for a long time.
  15. I got my 7 year badge about 2ish months ago
  16. How to check?
  17. I have a 12 year badge and they took away my drivers license and don’t let me leave this place.

    Help me. Please.
    -WENCH-og, hippy and Snoopy like this.
  18. 11years and still counting… I’m sure there are active players with 12&13 years