KaW's most notorious

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TCCxIlIDlIlRIlIAlIClIxTCC, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. silverbullett why dont you go back in apoc where you went a.w.o.l and hit the clans in the osw that are the enemy.instead of trying to be a buttkisser trying to impress cynderstyrke. they are more than capable to handle 1 person . or maybe not .cynderstryke is too busy on his alts of hydra-shok and chillz.testing out the i.s.s recruits and probies.to see if they are really hitting the c.a and not fake reporting. so yes silverbullet your contribution to i.s.s is vital because without your badassry they just cant hold up right ?
  2. You obviously don't know my history if u think I'm just trying to impress cynder 
  3. This thread is apparently full of kaws most notorious

    Most notorious idiots
    Most notorious stirrers
    Most notorious high school drop outs
    Most notorious motormouths
    Most notorious liars
  4. and Rio falls into each of those categories. Don't wanna to be associated with this thread, don't comment. Easy
  5. I wouldn't do that if I were u looool. I'm still waiting for that Ss 
  6. Lili we need be leniant on rio hes only a 1 month in apoc probie so is trying his hardest to let apoc know he has game .
  7. Cynder is a cry baby. Frigging screaming in CC each time he gets an inc. Twisting a pm just to get sympathy. Weak. If that's ur teacher I don't expect much from u.
  8. ohh ohhh i nearly forgot another excellent addition to this thread. How could i ever have forgotten about mr hardcore to the max farmer Woifie. he is a perfect example on how to walk talk and breathe being kaw notorious . Highly deserved wolfie .he has surpassed all the other kaw chumps.showing that even idiots can reform and turn a new leaf . his threads are great reads and informative and his whole kaw history shows his motto on kaw is " dont mess with me or else " .
  9. I was actually interested in this thread.. Right up until you lot opened your mouths 

    I didn't realise how long someone had been somewhere had any correlation (that means linear relationship... Ah, never mind) with ability to do something
  10. im sorry rio that i came down too harshly on you but youve already got a - minus from me for trying to insult my friends . you reap what you sow so they say.
  11. And you bored the entire kawmunity with your pathetic gutter trash talk.

    Do yourself a favour before you embarrass yourself some more, and delete kaw.

  12. I don't believe I mentioned any names.

    Guilty conscience? No other reason for you to assume I was talking about you and your 'friends'
  13. Only one here with a potty mouth is u, rio. Roni and I are nice.

  14. Yes, very polite.
  15. im not talking about today rio.im meaning from the other day in worldchat .anyway im off this thread . keep them tongues wagging we wouldnt want it any other way.

  16. In sorry roni, unfortunately due to medical issues my memory forgets unimportant things/people. So I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.
  17. I'm so sowwy. It's just that the other day in world chat you said meany thing things and it hurt me in the feels.
  18. What could've been a nice topic of conversation turned out to noobs insulting each other over some other noob insulting their friends. 