KaW's most notorious

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TCCxIlIDlIlRIlIAlIClIxTCC, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Slayer, you annoy everyone.
  2. Ifarmer
  3. No one has ever ruined my story.. I've ruined other people's KaW lives though. I once pretended to like this girl on KaW just so she would join my clan. Then I dumped her as soon as she left lol. I've destroyed about 3-5 clans (I disbanded, not just kick everyone and such). I've made 3-5 people leave this game because of me. I've been silenced 5 times. And now that I remember, one guy did ruin one of my days once. It was a clan called PuNx, I'll get my revenge.
  4. KoW is pretty famous.
  5. I kicked 50 clans and disbanded 7
  6. Didn't you do that for attention, though? I seem to remember there being a debate about that.
  7. Clearly flint.

    I tremor in my ******* boots whenever I see him.
  8. Doom im only a vicious farmer on sundays ;) kaw gods need sacrifice.
  9. Ah, devil. I remember you causing quite a stir with that.

    I still disagree with it :|
  10. I remember all the hoopla about devil disbanding clans through deception. I felt this was a sly and cowardly act from a weak individual. There is no skill in telling lies to young people to ruin there game.
    No respect devil. You were. and still are a pig in my book. Nothing to be proud of.
  11. Hey, no need to be throwing names either. He might've been like that, but it's been a long time. Calling him a coward does nothing but breed more negativity. It isn't going to bring those clans back or stop him either.
  12. Very well stated, my friend. I agree
  13. ColonelLeBlanc
  14. I remember him. He and I farmed together a few times when I was rogue. That was fun.
  15. spragga *cowers in fear* ;)
  16. Well if we're all bragging I got two apology threads in AT in less than 10m.

    That doesn't make me notorious. Makes me good at what I do, the way I see this thread is going, is that in two pages everyone's going to pull there kaw dicks out and start measuring.

    Just my opinion. Don't like it, **** you. :)