KaWmunity needs to grow up

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Bad-Advice, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. Obviously, there's been a lot of events recently. The two most recent are The Dark Caravan and the Aqua/Inferno duo. But still, people complain about both of them.

    I'll start with the former. This event was <1 week. And the pieces (only 1, not 4) dropped from every single epic battle. But people still found ways to complain.

    No duh

    Because they are paying players. They deserve more if they are paying. They keep KaW alive.

    Now, on to the latter. This event will give people aqua and inferno- which A LOT of people need. This shows the devs are listening. But still, people complain...

    These events help many people grow. Recently, the devs are making them more fun and rewarding. I loved the Dark Caravan. And I LOVE this event. Just because they are frequent, it doesn't mean they're bad.

    If you "had" to leave your clan, you're not very loyal. This is just gravy on top of what you normally do.

    One last thing. HTE is on the lower end of the drop list. The only advantage HTE clans have is choosing their color.

    Overall, what I'm saying is this: You're not forced into events. So if you are unhappy with it, instead of whining, how about you act mature and guve constructive feedback? The devs are listening, so how about helping do something good for once?

    Tl;DR:The devs are learning, so stop whining.
  2. This is a great example. The poster does not try to help out by giving decent feedback in any way
  3. No matter what the devs do, you'll always have some kid whining about it.

    It's human nature, nag and complain.
    The latest inferno/aqua event was a nice way of giving us elementals to enchant our equipments.
    Yet you'll find players whine about how the game is dead and so on. While the game isn't dead and is doing great for a 6 year old text based game.

    Fortunately the forum dissenters don't represent the mentality of the majority of our players.
  4. I agree with this thread entirely. Kaw devs are wayyyyy more willing to just straight up add content and then make it balanced than other games. Stop whining and do something productive.
  5. Stop whining op.
  6. This person speaks the truth
  7. I seen you whining on a thread js and you guys are just as bad as the people that whine about the game in fact your worse because you are whining about them nice whiny thread though right?
  8. Honestly kaw devs have been pushing out alot more content then any other app out there on the market so i cant complain at all theyre doing a great job not perfect but great.
  9. I actually agree with OP 100% on this subject. So many whining about KAW is dying and player retention is dropping. BS. This is what all those whiners were complaining about. This gives so many new players the incentive to keep playing KAW. So sth up you whining, negative noobs who only know how to complain.
  10. We're customers of a product. We have the right to give feed back. Is it always constructive? No. Is it always helpful? No. Could people improve how they give their feed back? Certainly.

    Right now, you are not being helpful. You think people complain because they have nothing better to do? Some yes, others not so much. If you wade through some of the crap on forums and stop focusing on the negative comments (just to further your point) you would realise that there are some really helpful comments out there and really good ideas. People play the game because they like it and they want to see it improve. Not everyone can respond constructively but it can still be helpful in a way if you look at the core reasons of their comment. All the negative comments stem from people being unhappy with the game. And that is entirely in their right. So instead of having a go at people, perhaps request they respond more constructively. This is exactly what's wrong with the game - the fact that we're all attacking each other about comments and the right way to KaW and whatever else.

    Join together and help improve the game.
  11. I like this
  12. ^well said
    Notice how I didn't have to quote the whole mssg previous to me? Hmm. Wish more would be like that
  13. Idk. I can understand catering to the paying player base, but at what point do you sit back and think damn, we're giving our top spenders everything and our non/little spenders almost nothing?

    Sure you spend more you're entitled to more. But hte started out as nothing more than a plunder boost. Now if you spend on hte you're getting a plunder boost, an increase in Aqua/Inferno drops and an increase in event drops.

    Which all three of those combined give you the edge on everything.

    Probably just rambling. Idk.
  14. Drgn, you know I respect you as a player and ASW warrior, but KAW Devs have done a huge amount to try and increase new player retention. First was the new player package deal. Since then, they have reward tiers set low that even a noob 1 week after starting can join and make great stat eq for spending no money. That's the number 1 and 2 issue.
    It's f2p, and new player retention
  15. This is EXACTLY what I am talking about.
  16. Oh and one more thing OP, saying the whole world doesn't need to know 'our displeasure' is a load of crap. How long exactly do you think a business lasts if they only respond to the positive comments that people give? That improves the game does it? Failing to listen, taking on board only the positive comments and catering only to the top spenders is one of KaWs problems. LL wars and this current event seems to be a step in the right direction by the devs. They have listened a bit.

    But please, don't say we don't have a right to show our disdain for the game because we sure as hell do. If devs are incapable of taking on negative comments, I suggest they shut up shop now.

    Complaints are not the problem. How people choose to deliver them is, so focus on that. And work on improving that.
  17. No its not.
  18. GrizzledFat is a moron. Point made there