you are a big liar -v- . ive not had any inc since rogue hit me at about 4 am this morning . its 18:22pm now. you are now known as a FAT LiAR . big account but small self esteem .
and everybody knows i hit people off my own back . who'd be scared of you NO ONE. its you scared of us.
I don't get why Roni always feels the need to have the last comment. Always has to make the last move. Your ego is too big for you Roni.
Roni hiding in pin and if you read I never claimed responsibility for the entirety of the last 20 hours, merely that you've been pinned and not hitting back anymore. As for me being scared of you? Your the one hiding in pin all the time, your the one crying that im too big and that I should be hitting fury. That's different from your usual bringing up stories of people's past and how you beat them, making excuses like that seems kinda new for you. Scared much bby?
Are you mad because I'm calling your egotistical ass out? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your pride.
it wasn't -v-illain's account feed. We both know whose feed it was. And how 3rd party apps are awesome for sharing ss's. I on the other hand posted stats of ur account being hit. Before and after.
DiVosaurus you are nobody to lecture anybody .didnt you quit kaw made your own clan and completley shamed yourself up with your outbursts and hissyfits in worldchat. you dont run forums seth . its so embarressing to watch you trying to grovvel up to the liar v . if he lies on forums .i wouldnt trust him in any clan because he has no sense of honesty.and isnt to be trusted whatsoever.
I have no idea who it was, well I do it was villain. That's why the gold lost matches amount someone with the exact amount I had out woulda lost and still roughly what I would be losing. Also look up any other SS I've posted in forums before, same O2-UK service provider.
ive had no inc all day and A.F.F has bars where no spys or no army can be used at i wouldnt be pinned with a full bar. your a pathethic liar V.
Oh that SS has enraged Roni enough to finally hit again, how's it feel to get beaten at your own game Roni?
v you not beat anyone .ive had no inc from you since yesterday.and even yesterday you never hit me. you just pretended you did.