Hmmm, if you can afford a new developer on the pay roll, why not hire unbiased mods that actually do their jobs correctly just a thought..
You said you hope to be able to earn our trust through your actions...are you going to start a never-ending apocalypse and force us to trust you? Define "actions." One word can mean the difference between life and death on KaW
I wonder if devs ever participate in wars, epic battles, and general growth, secretly disguised as players...
Welcome! Hope this helps kawmmunity as indicated by Kaw_admin. I do have following concerns as voiced by several players before me and hope you can address them. WE HAVE BEEN IGNORED FOR A LONG TIME. WE, PLAYERS WHO HAVE BEEN LOYAL AND PATIENT, DEMAND CHANGES THAT ARE FAIR and JUST. 1. Why are we still running escape? Kaw_admin promised it was a promotional, limited EB. This has caused lots of clan to loose their perms, and has brought more disparity than ever before. This helps only ones with deep pockets. I undestand the profits it brings in but why run this game into ground in 1 year when you can profit from it for years to come. 2. How come there is no real substitute for haunting? Haunting was released Two years ago when we still had T4. Price of new tier building start at 50 billion to 150 to 200 Billion. Thats more than 3x the cost of T4 building. How is it fair to loyal customers who sacrifice time and money and finally HLBC to see bigger and more expensive tier building thrown in their faces and it seems like all we are do is build, build and build. Why cant be ever enjoy these builds and do as the name of the game suggest, "KINGDOMS AT WAR" AND NOT " KINGDOMS AT EB ." Why not bring a better paying EB like escape which doesn't require seal purchase. After all cost of real estate has gone up so why not payout from ebs ( players income) 3. KAW Developers rake in tons of profits from regular nobs and crystal purchase, and this doesn't even include crystals from EE wars, which are in thousands. Can we get a special EB for war clans who dedicate time, money and sacrifice ebs to war? This should be a replacement to Escape since we are already shedding tons of money to be your lab rats. We love war aspect of your game but why not reward us with better paying ebs? Yes, I do understand we get equips but these equip are only 5-7% better than EB equips which EB fairies can obtain without burning a single crystal. 4. This game is ever evolving and has a strong following of its loyal customer but I feel like the developers have shifted their thought process from helping community to generating top $$$$$. Can we fix lag in games? can we address why DEVS felt the sudden need to nerf GH? why not increase payout of higher builds vs. reducing payout for GH? Why test 2 crystals in 1 hour Chaos wars and 2 hr wars with 1 crystal? There are several more questions, but the ones above have never been answered by KAW_ADMIN......HOPEFULLY KAW_COMMUNITY CAN DO A BETTER JOB. ARE YOU UP FOR THE TASK ? :roll:
Kaw_community! Make our lives happier and we might be able to trust you. Until then you are on your own! My suggestion and I honestly hope you reply to my post unlike 99% of time kaw doesn't reply to or posts. 1st: My 3 new buttons for regens, first button regens only attack. Second butting only regens spies. Third not lastly number three button regens both in with case we already have that. In this state to get the regens for spy or attack well you guys can figure that out I won't bust my head trying tell you your jobs. 2nd: change the inforno and aqua drop because honestly it's terrible!!!! I drop 6 crystals in one epic battle and I don't get squat! A little unfair! 3rd: Equipment wise!!!! I had to do 8 epic battles in a row to get a terrible frustrating sword?! I hit EB since started until end! Players who came and for the last 2-3hours get equipment and the players who start from begging don't get anything. 4th and last!!! The Christmas gifts are an awesome idea kaw_admin! Welcome to the Team kaw_community! Now reply to my post! Before I keep hiring you and dropping you until you go back to 10k . Happy Holidays Everyone
Welcome kaw_cpmmunity i hope u can do better job that kaw-admin, since he take feedback but never react
Another silly Developer added to the game Oh well.... Welcome Kaw_community Service hope you clean all the mess in this game first before you add something new.