
Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Welcome kaw community.

    Lmao @ the great gif's!

    Nice volley on kaw community btw lol.
  2. Lmao that Ricky Gervais gif. The Office is so funny.
  3. kaw_community where are the PvP updates?
  4. Hi kaw_community 

    I would like more 10 men wars :)

    I would like more rewards for PvP since my clan and alliance have been in constant osw for a long time :) the scrolls sound awesome! But I won't be able to get the equip for a while anyways haha.

    Annnnnd I would enjoy to see you grow as a player so we can farm you sometimes :)

    But I like you already so it would just be little love taps. Like, hey fonz is thinking of me :)
  5. Maybe they will make a kaw_warmachine for war.
  6. Not only are they evolving, they are mulitplying!! We're all DOOMED!!!
  7. @Community,

    You're so popular, last time I checked, you were at 17b.. Now your at 280 

    Well.. I have one thing to say..

  8. Lets all farm KaW community till we get some PvP drops off him

    But then he can magic himself unlimited troops and kill us all
  9. Kaw_community, will you grow for the completely insane ppl who vollied you up to almost 300b? :lol:
  10. It seems I''m worth far more than I thought :p
    You guys have been making my phone go crazy!
  11. Now... Can you make us KaW_PvP?
  12. I've never seen so much "kaw" in one place o.o btw tho any of u are welcome to join my clan :D just sayin'
  13. KaW community, can I just call you benny instead?
  14. I'm begging you answer my questions! Support will be hearing about this one...
  15. Jordan is that you? (Aka Benny ) you mentioned you will be added to the Admin team a few days ago then the post was deleted I believe.
  16. I like you kaw_community ^-^
  17. I wonder which kaw is being made next.
  18. Lol I was volleying kaw_community. Insane rich people.
  19. Wait phone? I can make it worse... Prepare for the follow farms!