Hi kaw_community I would like more 10 men wars I would like more rewards for PvP since my clan and alliance have been in constant osw for a long time the scrolls sound awesome! But I won't be able to get the equip for a while anyways haha. Annnnnd I would enjoy to see you grow as a player so we can farm you sometimes But I like you already so it would just be little love taps. Like, hey fonz is thinking of me
@Community, You're so popular, last time I checked, you were at 17b.. Now your at 280 Well.. I have one thing to say..
Lets all farm KaW community till we get some PvP drops off him But then he can magic himself unlimited troops and kill us all
I've never seen so much "kaw" in one place o.o btw tho any of u are welcome to join my clan just sayin'
Jordan is that you? (Aka Benny ) you mentioned you will be added to the Admin team a few days ago then the post was deleted I believe.