kaw_admin talking about fraud discount nobs etc.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *lighthero34 (01), May 31, 2012.

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  1. fine I understand that Emily-angle did do something wrong. But, I still think that the devs should at least try to do something about it so moose doesn't get framed like Emily talked about
  2. Emily-angle is not the same as Emily-angel
  3. Lol most discount nob users buy them from go4coin.com but i guess some alternatives are safe as well.
  4. *emily-angel
  5. I also think that the devs should at least try to do something about it
  6. Emily. Your no fool.

    You have opened alot of eyes. And made igronent mods get off their arse and take action.
  7. Moose do yourself a favour and go back to hanging off the panties of those with more power and influence. Or better make another thread crying about unfair mods like the hypocrite you are
  8. Omg
  9. @emily-angel, What does SS stand for?
  10. Well I did nothing wrong but pay money and play and got band an have received no help from the dev so I am proof that you are guilty and will stay guilty
  11. What did Emily do?
  12. I'm terribly sorry :| , but as per the following section of the Rules and Conduct topic of the forums, I must lock and/or delete this topic :| :
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