KaW x Witch Arcana Crossover Event!

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Beans, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. So here's the deal. Somewhere I have an 11 year badge. Other than a short break after the collapse of Apoc I've played KaW on a daily basis, very rarely have I at least not hit the ebs. I've seen a lot of crap passed to us by the devs. Some good, some okay and some just plain crap. How many other games has A.T.A. created and how many of those games are not already obsolete? I suggest devs that you stick with what works and make it better. If it's better they will come. Maybe, just maybe Santa will bring you that new Tesla you asked for.
  2. Suckers who joined and spent money on that game too
  3. I have received no rewards in KAW and my GH is level12 in Witch Arcane. My "ATA id" is linked across platforms. Why have I not receive any rewards for my progress?
  4. I got no reward for my GH lv 5 & lv 7, so it was a good thing that I didn’t financially support this game by not buying nothing there, & for me it will continue to be that way too.
  5. Hi there,
    Please write in a help ticket and we can get you sorted!
    It may be that you made the progress on those GH before you linked the games?

    Regardless we'll help you get it sorted just write in with your Witch Arcana Username, the ATA ID you are using on both games, and the GH levels you are missing :)
  6. Hi Alice,
    Sounds like something must've gone wrong but we can and will fix it.
    Please write in a help ticket with :
    Witch Arcana Username
    ATA ID you are using on both games
    GH levels you are missing :)

    And we'll get you sorted!
    Hebrews likes this.