I give up wars called off ok you all win this took 6hrs to plan and write now I feel like a noob sorry white and others who supported this talk to iNTeR if your mad. I'm not getting farmed for a good idea if Jug wants to do it still he can but I'm out bye
This forum-community sucks. Someone has a good idea and everyone is like "OMFG NEVER GONNA HAPPEN ANYWAY OMFG HE IS JUST SCAMMMING A CLAN OMFG" even if this was clarified. I'd donate a clan, keep going with the idea
This is a great idea, and the teams would be equally numbered because of the fact that each clan could have only 100 members
Also I'd like to apologize to inter for causing enough trouble to farm defender war might be run by juggernaut298 talk to him
Look.. Not trying to bash your posting an idea. Many great updates came about from that first step. I just believe that, for; 1.) You wouldn't get many if any noteworthy people/kingdoms to sign up. 2.) couldn't keep it from being rigged, or someone throwing the match for their buddies on the other side. It's been happening since the first all star war. 3.) you need a better representation, NOT a replication of WWII 4.)even if you were lucky enough to garner dev support, the reward would nowhere be near worth the work , time, and trouble. And 5.) it IS a little shady, you don't want to even pay for the clan.