Discussion in 'Wars' started by -TL-, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. This is my second account but nice try my first I lost when I pod broke I will find that name I think he got linked to laptop but stopped using him
  2. You know what my experience doesn't matter (still going to prove I'm a 4 year veteran) but this is a war plan don't participate if you don't want to.
  3. [​IMG]
    Hmmm...yeaa...4 years
  4. K look at BHU-TL-BHR I think he's original I'm looking still but he's holding my old clan from before merge
  5. I was playing before I had iphone
  6. Cool nice to know
  7. Shaun pay attention we already figured out iphone account isn't 4 years old iPod is
  8. Op stop with the bull **** lies and go back to your rock where you came from
  9. Anybody else have questions intelligent ones
  10. I'm interested in this I have a lot of exp in war but I've never been a wc nor a tracker I don't get how I can join the names of the clans is there a min cs to join can I do the EB race and war or just one or the other please get back to me on this thanks
  11. Guys stay on topic, this isn't about how long OP has been a noob on kaw. It's about him having a nooby idea that needs a nooby amount of money (cheap for non-noobs) and being referencing to a war nobody was alive for in this thread except for kaw_community.
  12. I do, why does this thread suck?
  13. I'll make team Antarctica :lol:
  14. Thank you slim lol
  15. Ok fine ream Antarctica against the world
  16. Can u get an answer?
  17. Nvm **** team Antarctica
  18. This has been tried so many times before...
  19. I know but I'm gonna do it even if I'm warring against 3 people no rewards