KaW vs Women

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by l_lIIl-THEBLACK-SKlTTLE-lIIl_l, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. All men are abusers and rapists.
  2. All these messages and I still don't have a sammich????? What he heck? Someone needs to get back in the kitchen is all I have to say......lmao. This thread is hilarious.
  3. To be fair you also want to keep KaW PG and have no one stripped naked. Most likely to parallel your limited interactions with women. :p

    Had to.
  4. . I understand it's chauanistic but it is funny. You have to admit that....
  5. I just can't resist.....

  6. You know me too well, DMC. Creeping me out, bro. Creeping me out...

  7. Hahaha ohhhh how true it is.
  8. If a tree falls on a woman and no one is around to hear it..

    What's a tree doing in the kitchen!?