KaW vs Women

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by l_lIIl-THEBLACK-SKlTTLE-lIIl_l, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. I dunno I get way to confused and punch my gf cause she looks just like the tsg big Hairy snow man and I'm screaming use the fire balls it's hard to choose which is which u know

    #firstworldproblems 
  2. Yessss, best thing today!

  3. Easiest way to avoid this conversation is to avoid flirting with internet strangers....
  4. But I love you bulbasaur
  5. Support !
  6. Where do Ash and Skiddles get all the funny pictures. I don't know either.
    Bye the way visa versa it's the same. My guy has hid my phone in cereal boxes. I only play when a hockey game is on or my hands are untied

  7. ...................still waiting for the web link

  8. All kaw needs is a younger and much hotter sister to play with on the side. While uhh.. Kaw regens.
  9. Trust me.... I've tried to talk her into that....

    ....ain't gunna happen
    But I support it.
  10. Confusing OP! I always thought that this was a game for women.
  11. No, even the ones that say they're women are blokes... they just don't tell you that when they wanna rp...
  12. Idk. My boyfriend doesn't like when I play kaw cause he feels neglected. Not the wording he used but yea. Not just women. ;)

  13. Redefining laptop.

    Get it?



    Shut up.
  15. inb4 feminists
  16. 
  17. Omg! Best thread I've read in a long time! Remember, KAW is NOT RL! Lol. Have fun!
