KaW Volley Calculator (Version 1)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by II____SICARIO___II, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. I wish I could use this, but great work OP ;)
  2. Thx soul sick ****
  3. No problem :) more threads on the way, I'm working on one at the moment which is already 8053 words 

    ཀབཀཇས༒བ ཀབཞར
  4. I made this calculator if that's what you're asking bud?

    ཀབཀཇས༒བ ཀབཞར
  5. Round of appliance.
  6. I swear, I hate auto-correct.

  7. Wow this is very helpful thanks!
  8. Very useful, BUMP 
  9. Very good job. You must of spent a lot of time and effort on this. Fair play 
  10. Looks good, thanks Tyr.

    A couple of possible suggestions for future updates,

    1) Could you put in a "thousands separator" eg one million is easier to read when it's written 1,000,000 instead of 1000000

    2) It's beyond my ability, but I'm pretty sure that you could write a macro, or something, where the user inputs the number of hires desired, and it only calculates profit based on just this number of hires. Perhaps someone in the forums, maybe Stoneford, or maybe someone else, would be able to help you with this if you need help.
  11. :lol: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jezza. I'm no good with macros.

    Tyr has done a good job here. I was also thinking about figuring the amount gained from volley. I was able to get that from this calculator without much effort, but I forgot what I had done.

    I also like thousands separators.

  12. Bumping for clan use:)
  13. Bump for rox
  14. You clever boy

    Nice job! Thanks for the help