KaW Train Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Vixen for Valiant knight .This is her forte .
  2. Loving your work Vixy honey  huge support.

  3. Nevaaaaa pm me for drop trains ?
  4. always pm Uzy 24/7
  5. Awww already got my comments deleted exposing the liar you are. Can't save face forever.
  6. You are like a stuck record and no one currs in your little make believe world

    now run along and see if you can arrange another girls vs boys war to flop second year in a row ;)

    See try as much as you like to bury it Ash

    you are a runner, a liar, a traitor, a thief (remember the apoc clan you stole as well a certain other thing ;)) and you harmed your reputation on kaw 100 times more than i ever will

    and while a handful of ppl might suck up on your words

    rest of kaw see's you for exactly who you are

    So in words if old, bring your issue with me to my news feed because this isnt the place for you

    its a damn thread unrelated to osw and something to actually try help players
  7. Woah woah, this level of censorship is a little overboard.
  8. There's been worse.
  9. The sad part is that I can't even respond properly without you having my post deleted. It's a pretty one sided argument, as it always will be on forums. My posts magically disappear and yours stay. 
  10. Lady Ash.. ixnay on ixvay
  11. Haha Ashes. Yup. 
  12. Please keep the thread on topic and keep the personal attacks to walls or PM. Thank you.
  13. You stepped down?
  14. Yes actually that was the case. None of this is pertaining to the topic. Let's keep it on topic.
  15. Nicely stated
  16. U guys should follow this guide to help you get event items. Will help smaller players grow and get max promo pay out
  17. bump for someone to read
  18. Bump this is really helpful