Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *xKish (01), Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Town eats pie. O_O
  2. Re: kaw empire

    *builds mansions
  3. Pie eats itself
  4. Re: kaw empire

    * Builds YOU *
  5. Itself eats piez. o_O
  6. Re: kaw empire

  7. Re: kaw empire

    *Send in Chuck Norris*

    Game over
  8. Re: kaw empire

    *eats chuck norris*
  9. Re: kaw empire

    *Chokes on a potato*
  10. Can I have a potato farm wat sell pie and pig?
  11. I wanna shop to have suiside bomers... Oops new guy pre mature detonation
  12. Re: kaw empire

  13. Re: kaw empire

    *Destroys everything and burns down the remains*
  14. Re: kaw empire

    *Rebuilds empire so that it's invincible*
  15. Chuck Norris can destroy invincible zombies and random guys been playing way too much Zombie Farm
  16. Oh and by the way it better be a USSR town....
  17. Chuck Noris is my friend on Facebook!!!
  18. Prepare to get round house presents
  19. Re: kaw empire
