Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *xKish (01), Jan 2, 2011.

  1. kaw town is not needed
  2. Chuck Norris is my friendī–

    *watches chuck destroy KaW Town*
  3. Roses are red
    Violence is blue
    Kaw Town shall suffer
    and so will you

  4. Awww but we just built a mansion
  5. Yay
    * barricades town from chuck norris
  6. *Nukes the town with really techy nukes that stop anything from every growing and can not be stopped go through anything*
    How do you like that *****?
  7. *rebuilds the town* ^_^
  8. Yes
    *opens ice-cream parlor
  9. *Asks god for raptor Jesus he agreed
    * raptir Jesus revives the town permantly
    *man Jesus aids him
  10. *Opens a bar
  11. May I have a house?
  12. Yes take a house!!!
  13. Yay can I set up my store ?
  14. *uses five trillion atom bombs to destroy kaw town*
    IRON, do you know about the FIRST KaW town?
  15. *builds whip cream huts*
    *adds marshmallow pillows to every house*
  16. *raptor Jesus deflects bombs
    * builds a mall
  17. Keeping thread alive.....
  18. *Chuck Norris destroys town*
  19. Come to my nuke tiwnb