Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *xKish (01), Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Re: KaW Village

    *visits Reg's castle* woah diz iz teh kewlest!!! *runs around castle* w00t!!!
  2. Re: KaW Village

    My castle is high in the sky.








    [​IMG] They fly me up there.
  3. Re: KaW Village

    How r ur hatchlings strong enough 2 carry u up der? Hatchlings r small!!! And they ain't got wings yet
  4. Re: KaW Village

    They still fly. DUH.
    fun killer
  5. Re: KaW Village

    Sure dey do 
  6. Re: KaW Village

    CLICK IT!!!
    u know u wanna...
  7. Re: KaW Village

    K Reg  I'll do it
  8. Re: KaW Village

  9. Re: KaW Village

  10. Re: KaW Village

    I want to bye a house open a wpons store
  11. Re: KaW Village




    Click it. Admit it, you don't have anythingbetter to do anyway.
  12. Re: KaW Village

    Night club open again!!! Do stuff der, like drink (apple juice) party and dance
  13. Re: KaW Village

    *rides through the village on horse, burning buildings with a torch as I go*
  14. Re: KaW Village

    I'm bored of eggs, once it turns into a dragon, it gives no satisfaction
  15. Re: KaW Village

    *uses teh power of the kings 2 undo star's destruction* haha suck it
  16. Re: KaW Village

  17. Re: KaW Village

    Ya I rok!!! 
  18. Re: KaW Village

    *sets up a fancy NON-DESTRUCTIVE structure in town*
  19. Re: KaW Village

    Uh... Kewl... Wut do u do in ur structure?
  20. Re: KaW Village

    Pull things toward it.

    *Death Star prepares to "dock" in the village*