Re: KaW Village *awesome new person has joined this strange place* Hi, I'd like a modern house with a dragon killing AA gun that shoots lasers plz. *new guy eats cookies*
Re: KaW Village Sry tigaz dead angel u can have a house and ur lazer thing! *gives dead angel a house and his lazer thing*
Re: KaW Village You guys got moved to fan fic too? Well Welcome to the place of no active topic spaces.
Re: KaW Village *walks into village and opens a pet store called Bizzare Beasts* *sets up dragon eggs for display* Here, you can purchase pets such as lizards, dragons, unicorns... AND MAGIC LLAMAS!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: KaW Village ok here are the llamas *shows u a magic llama that is changing colors, a llama that is on fire, and a llama that can shapeshift* The changing colors one is Rainbow, the fire one is Flame, and the shapeshifcting one is Animalia. Which one would you like? I also have pheonixes!! and normal pets -.- but normal pets r boring lol
Re: KaW Village Ok! .... Crap I left my money at home. *sends Leaf to get my money* ok I'll pay you in a minute